They were flashed wrongly for months: In Schwäbisch Gemünd triggered a radar trap at the entrances and exits of the unicorn tunnel from a speed of 60 - was allowed but 80 kilometers per hour. Now the truck drivers who received a fine, but their payments get back, said a spokesman for the Baden-Württemberg city.

Previously, the city had said that the drivers should not expect a refund of the fine already paid.

The completed fine proceedings are legally not resume. However, they want to reimburse the money on a voluntary basis and to go directly to those affected, it is now. Some 4,000 truck drivers received fines, and about 800 of them, according to the city, even scored points in Flensburg. For them one speaks with the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt.

Attacked were the wrong set speed camera, as a truck driver in the summer before the district court against his decision complained and got right.