Guest of Europe 1, the architect Denis Valode believes that Notre-Dame de Paris must be rebuilt identically, respecting in particular the changes made by Viollet-le-Duc in the nineteenth century.


How to rebuild Notre Dame? To accelerate the implementation of a project that promises to be gigantic, the government hopes to pass a bill that would allow works to bypass the code of public contracts, certain environmental constraints, or even to exonerate itself from the legislation that weighs on the renovation of historic monuments. The President of the Republic has even expressed his desire to see the building integrate "a contemporary architectural gesture", a competition for the reconstruction of the arrow to be launched. What give ideas to the pundits of modern architecture. Jean-Michel Wilmotte, who imagined the Russian Orthodox Church in Paris, has repeatedly expressed his desire to see a glass arrow push on the roof of the cathedral.

But for Denis Valode, founder of the first architecture agency in France, especially at the Pierre Mauroy stadium in Lille or shopping malls Beaugrenelle in Paris, Notre Dame must regain its historical integrity. "For me it's clear, I think it must be rebuilt identically," he said Wednesday at the microphone of Pierre de Vilno in the morning of Europe 1. "I notice that architects rush to rebuild Notre-Dame, which is rather paradoxical because we do not even know the name of the architects - at the time we called that 'builders' - who, in the 12th century, drew the cathedral as it is, "he laughs. For him, the multiplication of proposals, more or less daring, betrays the arrogance of some of his colleagues. "It's bad enough to absolutely want to install your ego on this building," he says.