Marc Messier 8:50 p.m., September 08, 2022

The most famous monarch on the planet, Queen Elizabeth II died Thursday at the age of 96 in her Scottish residence of Balmoral, opening an uncertain era for the British crown to which she had dedicated her life.

The disappearance of the sovereign, whose state of health had deteriorated for a year, is sure to arouse immense emotion in the United Kingdom and in the world.


Whatever our ages, we've heard of her since we were little.


Neither you nor I, having ever seen her, for real.

One would almost wonder, sometimes, if it really existed.

If she weren't a contemporary legend.

A modern myth.

The Queen of England, as once the Queen of Sheba.


- Elisabeth II, a queen's life in 10 dates

A journalistic deception to make the people dream and turn the presses or an invention of the English, to sell their stamps and all their kitsch trinkets, otherwise unsaleable. 

In support, the skeptics will explain to you that apart from the great celebrations, never a single tourist has seen the Queen of England in Buckingham or Windsor, even watching her for hours and hours in front of her palaces. .

As for the photos, the reports, the great shows for History... It would be the same actress who had been acting for decades.

The English are very good at that, said Guitry. 


- Elizabeth II, a queen's life

Elizabeth, Alexandra, Mary Windsor... A wonderful actress who played the Queen of England for 70 years.

The role of her life, which she has embodied since February 6, 1952, her accession to the Throne.

She is 25 years old, she will improvise.

Third in the order of succession, she never prepared her character, never rehearsed her texts. 

Yet, immediately, it will be remarkably accurate and truthful.

"Perfect", Churchill will say between two puffs of Havana.

The expression, the pause, the gesture, the reply.

An interpretation always admirable, whether on a horse or on a painting, in a carriage, a Rolls or a gala, in front of the peers of his Kingdom, or alongside James Bond, his knight serving for the Olympic Games.

Sometimes... A smile on the Hieratic Statue of the Commander.

Elizabeth, Alexandra, Mary Windsor... A funny Lady, a Sphinx.

Probably the last queen.

The Queen of England.