Maximum concern in the United Kingdom for the state of health of

Queen Elizabeth II, 96 years old.

The doctors who attend the monarch have been shown this Thursday "concerned" about her state of health and have recommended that she remain under medical supervision.

The health of Elizabeth II, who has long suffered from "mobility problems"

, has worsened since receiving Boris Johnson at Balmoral on Tuesday

, who tendered his resignation as Prime Minister.

She also had a meeting with her successor, Liz Truss, to whom she entrusted the formation of the Government.

Elizabeth II is in Balmoral Castle and the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, has traveled there.

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The Duke of Cambridge travels to Balmoral to be with Elizabeth II

The Duke of Cambridge

, second in line to the British Crown, has traveled to Balmoral Castle in Scotland to be with Queen

Elizabeth I

, after learning that his grandmother is receiving medical care, the palace reported Thursday Kensington, official residence of Prince William.

William, who has just moved into a house on the grounds of Windsor Castle, near London and where the sovereign usually resides lately, was seen yesterday taking his three children, princes George, Charlotte and Louis, to their new school near Ascot, located in the area.

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The statement on the health of Queen Elizabeth II of England

"Following further assessment this morning, the Queen's doctors are concerned for Her Majesty's health and have recommended that she remain under medical surveillance,"

Buckingham Palace said.

Her family has been informed of the situation, the British agency PA specified, while Prime Minister

Liz Truss

expressed the country's concern over the news.

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"Concern" for the health of Queen Elizabeth II of England

The doctors who attend to

Queen Elizabeth II

were "concerned" on Thursday about her state of health and have recommended that she remain under medical supervision.

In a statement, Buckingham Palace reported that the monarch despite everything

is "comfortable" and remains at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

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  • Prince Charles of England

  • United Kingdom

  • Boris Johnson

  • Elizabeth II of England