A football net can be a threat to wildlife, as has been warned by conservation officers in the state of Colorado. Reason for the call is a bobcat, which caught in the net of a football goal in a residential area near a national park.

The National Park Administration of the state published a photo of the animal on Twitter. You can see how the bobcat hangs with its paws in a net - so that it no longer touches the ground.

ATTN sports fans. Here's why we ask you to take down sports nets when not in use. This bobcat was trapped in a soccer net in the Golden Hills area of ​​#ColoradoSprings. This bobcat was lucky. It escaped with its life. Others injure themselves or the frantically trying to escape. pic.twitter.com/zzLs5FAm7v

- CPW SE Region (@CPW_SE) May 6, 2019

According to the park administration, the bobcat was lucky: it escaped unhurt. Other animals would "hurt or die" in trying to break free.

"That's why we ask you to take off sportsnets if you are not using them," the park administration wrote in the tweet.