A Beijing court found guilty of a governess who abused several children with needles. The woman was sentenced to 18 months in prison. After her release, the 22-year-old may not work with minors for five years. With her "abominable" behavior, the young woman had inflicted severe emotional damage on the children.

The case aroused indignation last year and led to a nationwide review of all kindergartens. At the time, the Beijing police were investigating allegations on the part of parents who had discovered punctures among their children. Based on the surveillance cameras in the private kindergarten, the investigators discovered that the 22-year-old trafficked the children with needles, if they did not take a nap.

Many users of the social networks described the judgment as too mild. They also criticized the fact that none of the officials responsible for control had been brought to justice. Although investigations have been launched against three representatives of the Chinese Education Authority for violations of their duty to monitor, their procedures have been stalled for months.

The kindergarten is run by RYB Education, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and operates numerous facilities throughout China. Now the company has again apologized. However, it is an isolated case.

It was not the first RYB scandal, though. In April 2017, the company suspended the head of a Beijing kindergarten after watching videos of people throwing a child on one bed and stabbing another in the back. Two years ago, two RYB kindergarten staff in Jilin Province, northeastern province, were sentenced to 34 months in prison for stabbing children with needles in the head, mouth and buttocks.