More than nine months after the death of the 14-year-old, Ali B. has to answer to the Wiesbaden district court in the case of Susanna. The process begins with great security. The overview of the start of negotiations.

The charge

The 22-year-old defendant Susanna F. end of May 2018 in a forest near the Wiesbaden Erbenheim district only forced to have intercourse and then killed. He strangled her with his arm from behind, when the student threatened to go to the police, it is said by the prosecutor.

The prosecution charges him with the rape and subsequent murder of the girl from treachery.

The locality

Only on 6 June 2018 Susanna's body was found. The girl's body lay on the edge of a business park in Wiesbaden, buried in a hole next to railroad tracks. This should be according to investigators about 35 inches deep, one meter wide and about 1.80 meters long. The defendant, and apparently another person, is said to have covered the body with soil and branches.

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Trial at the District Court Wiesbaden: The case Susanna

The escape

A few days after the violent death of the student, Ali B. left home with his parents and siblings from refugee accommodation in Wiesbaden in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq. Although names other than the Iraqi identity cards presented at the airport were given on the plane tickets, the family managed to leave the country.

The arrest

Shortly after his escape, Kurdish security authorities arrested Ali B. He was handed over to the federal police. Federal Police President Dieter Romann personally flew to Iraq to bring B. back to Germany. A procedure initiated against Romann because of the suspicion of the deprivation of liberty was discontinued in the meantime for lack of sufficient suspicion. Since June 10, 2018 Ali B. is in custody in Frankfurt.

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The process

Ali B. has been interrogated to have killed Susanna. However, the rape denies the fact of the 21-year-old. In the proceedings, a statement of the defendant is expected. The defense of the rejected asylum seeker had announced that he wanted to comment on the allegations, said a spokesman for the district court.

Criticism of the authorities

In the investigation of Susanna's death and the handling of the authorities with Ali B. hooked it in many places (read more here). The mother of Susanna F. criticized the work of the police. Her daughter was missing since May 22, 2018 as missing. But the investigators had done nothing for five days, only thanks to the family lawyer Susanna's cell phone had been located and launched a public search. In addition, her statements that after the day after the murder of Susanna on the mobile phone of the young people got dubious news, have not been taken seriously enough. Later, it turned out that B. sent the messages to cover up his act.

Further allegations against Ali B.

The prosecution has raised a total of three charges before the Wiesbaden district court against Ali B. He also allegedly raped an eleven-year-old girl and robbed a man in the Wiesbaden spa park with gun violence. These allegations are dealt with in separate proceedings.