In Bad Oldesloe a young homeless man has been shot dead by a policeman. As has now become known, the young man is said to have been mentally ill. He was not classified as dangerous, said the spokesman for the public prosecutor Lübeck, Christian Braunwarth.

On Sunday afternoon, the police had received an emergency call that a man armed with a knife should be near the local swimming pool. The police arrived with three patrol cars.

Despite repeated requests, a warning shot and the use of pepper spray, the 21-year-old has approached the officials. He had a knife in his hand and executed stitches, said police and prosecutors.

One of the policemen then fired two shots and hit the man on the chest. The 21-year-old died according to the information on the scene. The body of the man is being autopsied, the investigation was not completed, it was said by the prosecutor.

Note: The police had reported wrongly the age of the shot man in the meantime. We corrected the mistake.