After the lethal shot at a woman at New Year's Eve fireworks in Schönberg in Schleswig-Holstein, the investigators also consider a murder possible. "It may have been in the case of a careless killing, for example, by an accident, but also a murder," said the Kiel senior prosecutor Axel Bieler. "But we have found no evidence that speaks clearly for murder." The investigators continued from a homicidal offense, the legal classification will take place later.

Previously, Schönberg's mayor Peter Kokocinski (SPD) had appealed to the shooters to report to the police. "It would be important for the affected family, but also for all people in the city to find out what really happened," Kokocinski told the Kieler Nachrichten. He assumed an accident and suspected that "somebody was busy with a firearm".

The prosecution has awarded a reward of 3000 euros for clues that lead to the seizure of the offender. For the prosecutor it is clear that the 39-year-old was shot. This had revealed the ballistic investigation of the metal fragments found in the woman's head. Police and prosecutors have made no information about which weapon and ammunition are eligible for the deed.

The woman wanted to enjoy the fireworks on New Year's Eve with her husband outside the door. After a few minutes, the mother of three small children collapsed.