In Rhineland-Palatinate a drunk driver fled the police - until he changed his mind. To escape traffic control, the 27-year-old was rattling through the narrow streets of the Mosel town of Sankt Aldegund, according to police in the night of Sunday. He grazed a wall with his sports car and drove at around 200 kilometers per hour in the direction of the neighboring Bremm.

Although the damaged car could be found quickly by a large search and helicopter, but the driver was missing any trace. A little later, the fugitive voluntarily ran into the police.

At a check-up in Bremm he asked with torn trousers a uniformed policewoman on civil stripe, if they could take him in the car direction Sankt Aldegund. "The heavily alcoholized Moselaner could be helped immediately," said the police. Car and driver's license were confiscated.