The German Red Cross sees the Federal Republic insufficiently prepared for a major disaster, for example due to severe weather or cyber attacks. "We have considerable deficits in national crisis management," said DRK President Gerda Hasselfeldt of the "Saarbrücker Zeitung".

Hasselfeldt campaigned for a concept of the Red Cross and other aid organizations to better prepare for crises. "It provides for federal provision of food, cots and medicines at ten different locations in Germany."

Although this concept has been taken up by the federal government, said Hasselfeldt, but in the budget of the Ministry of the Interior in 2019 no money is provided for it. "That must change in 2020," said the former Bundestag Vice President and CSU politician.


DRC President Gerda Hasselfeldt

Worldwide, the extreme weather conditions had increased. The DRK leader therefore called on the Germans to arm themselves. "It is already necessary to prepare for disasters such as storms and pandemics or cyber-attacks on our electricity and water supply."