In Bavaria, the behavior of two 16-year-olds could have passed as Fensterln. However, since the youths in the Ruhr area by ladder in the room of the courts acquired, they triggered a police operation.

The two admirers of the girl had arrived in the night to Saturday in the North-Rhine / Westphalian Oberhausen in the room of the teenager, the police said. A witness held the youth for burglars and dialed the emergency call.

Several patrol cars arrived and policemen surrounded the house. There, the ladder, through which the visitors had entered the house, was still leaning against the open window.

After they woke up the father of the 16-year-old from the sleep, also the rest of the family learned of the two, as the officials write, "Schürzenjägern" in the house.

According to the police, the daughter had secretly pilfered her through the window into her room and provided the ladder for it.

The teenager then had to explain to her parents. According to the police, they were not amused about the operation.