Perhaps first of all a basic remark in advance: Macaulay Culkin (yes, from the "Kevin Alone to Home" movies ") is a friend of irony and ambiguous humor so it is at least not unlikely that even behind his recent action in the first Line nonsense hides.

Pretty crazy joke.

Culkin, who only caused a stir in March with a Gaga commentary on the Oscars, recently put his first name to the polls. More specifically, on Twitter, he invited his followers to make suggestions for a new middle name. The is so far Carson, according to Culkin but will be replaced in the new year.

The actor attracted tens of thousands of users to his website "Bunny Ears", where he has since informed about the status quo of the vote. At Christmas, Culkin claims, the voting ended with a clear result: Exactly 60,990 participants want Macaulay Culkin to use his first and last name as a middle name.

photo gallery

6 pictures

First Name Action: Allow Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin

Confused? No wonder. The full name of the erstwhile child star would then be: Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin. It is no shame not to be able to pronounce this word meaning correctly and without spontaneous giggling (at least the author of this text finds).

Merry Christmas to me, from all of you!

My new middle name has been chosen. You voted and the winner is clear.

In 2019 my new legal name will be:

Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin.

It has a nice ring to it. # MerryChristmas

- Macaulay Culkin (@IncredibleCulk) December 25, 2018

This failed some well-behaved candidates, a choice:

  • "TheMcRibIsBack" (14,558 votes)
  • "Kieran" (13,559 votes)
  • "Shark Week" (7515 votes)

Also not enforced with 9644 votes, the proposal "Publicity Stunt" (freely translated "publicity stunt"), which might be the most appropriate. But Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin is definitely the more amusing choice.