Victory in court for Geoffrey Rush: The Australian Oscar winner has been awarded for a newspaper report on the alleged sexual harassment of an actress converted 540,000 euros in damages.

A court in Sydney ruled that the Australian Daily Telegraph did not work with the necessary care in 2017. The responsible judge Michael Wigney spoke of "reckless and irresponsible sensational journalism of the worst kind".

The paper alleged that Rush had sexually harassed the woman during a theater production of "King Lear", citing an actress. He himself denies the allegations.

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Geoffrey Rush: "There are no winners in this case"

Rush had won the Oscar for best actor in 1997 for his role in "Shine - The Road to the Light". He was also nominated for the industry's most important award for other films, such as Shakespeare In Love and The King's Speech.

Rush is also known by "Pirates of the Caribbean". After his success in court, he said, "There are no winners in this case, which was extremely embarrassing for everyone involved."