France's head of state, Emmanuel Macron, has appointed a Special Representative for Reconstruction after the catastrophic fire in Paris's Notre Dame Cathedral. As the Élysée Palace announced, 70-year-old General Jean-Louis Georgelin is scheduled to start work today.

Georgelin has gained a lot of experience in the military, which he should now use to rebuild the church. He was chief of staff of the French armed forces and is Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor. President Macron announced that the world-famous 850-year-old church would be rebuilt within five years. "We must do everything so that Notre-Dame regains its splendor at the Olympic Games of 2024 in Paris," said Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo.

The goal is considered ambitious, at least the money should not fail this time. Shortly after the fire broke out, wealthy French entrepreneurial families outdoed each other with donation announcements. Several hundred million euros have already been committed.

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Fire in Notre-Dame: mission at the cathedral

In Paris, Mayor Hidalgo meanwhile wants to honor the rescuers of Notre Dame Cathedral in the afternoon. Their thanks go especially to firefighters, who sometimes struggled for hours against the flames, using their lives.

Tribute with Bach music

At the celebration in front of the city hall of the metropolis of millions, besides the socialist politician, cathedral director Patrick Chauvet and the Paris fire chief Jean-Claude Gallet will also have their say. As the town hall announced, music by the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach is to be heard. President Macron had also announced that he would receive firefighters who had fought the flames on Monday.

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Graphics: So the flames spread in Notre-Dame

The conflagration had destroyed on Monday evening significant parts of the over 850 years old cathedral. The cause is unclear so far. Investigators assume, however, that the disaster is based on an accident. Witness hearings continue on Thursday, prosecutors reported. Among the witnesses are workers who were involved in renovations before the fire.

The destruction of Notre-Dames leads to dismay worldwide. The Parisian archbishop Michel Aupetit assured at a pre-Easter Mass in the second largest Parisian church Saint-Sulpice that Notre-Dame will be rebuilt. Hundreds of believers also followed the service in front of the church: a big screen was set up in the square.


Aerial view after the fire

France wants to call an international architectural competition for the reconstruction of the small Fourstroke tower in the middle of the roof of Notre-Dame. This pinnacle had completely collapsed as a result of the fire.