Due to a rage in the final of the second Mexican football league former football star Diego Maradona has to pay a fine. The 58-year-old had violated his behavior at the December game against the Code of Ethics, said the Mexican Football Association FMF on Wednesday in a statement. How high the fine against the Argentinean turned out, was not clear at first.

In the second division final played the Mexican club Dorados de Sinaloa, the Maradona trained since early September, against Atlético San Luis. Maradona had insulted after the 4-2 victory of San Luis fans who had provoked him before claims to have.

Read here: "The Parody of God" - How Diego Maradona became second division coach in Mexico

Videos of the raging and cursing Maradona made the rounds after the incident on the Internet.

The Argentinian had been able to attend the match from the start only from the stands, as he had already been suspended in the first leg. Maradona is known for his emotional outbursts.