Imagine, the final season of your favorite series is up and running, and you can not wait to see the new episodes. You have only one problem: your partner constantly chats in between you. So what do you do?

Singer John Legend has apparently found a simple solution to this: He simply locked his wife Chrissy Teigen out. So it represented the model at least on Twitter.

"The guys locked us out," Teigen wrote. "They do not want to let us look Game of Thrones because we talk too much." For this, the 33-year-old made a video. In this she unscrews at the door to the family home theater. A few seconds later, she storms the darkened room as Legend and his friends watch the show.

the boys locked us out. they do not let us watch #GoT because we talk too much @jenatkinhair @mrmikerosenthal

- christine doigen (@chrissyteigen) April 15, 2019

Which questions Teigen can pose during the series, she showed in another video. Then you can see the model standing in front of the screen. "What's the problem with John Snow?" She asks while being booed by the others.

Never before had she experienced people as excited as at the start of the last season of "Game of Thrones," wrote Teigen in another tweet. She was happy for the others and was curious when she would find her personal "Game of Thrones".

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Chrissy Teigen and John Legend: Access forbidden

Even if John Legend and they do not seem to have the same taste in the series, they share something else: they had a partner tattoo engraved on them. This consists of the names of their children and the names of each other.

The eighth and final season "Game of Thrones" started on April 14th. What is known so far, read here. You can find out how you can legally watch the season here.