The suspect arrested in the case of Georgine Krüger has apparently harassed other girls. Already in 2009, two girls, aged 11 and 13, accused the accused of harassing them verbally. Three years earlier, the then 14-year-old Georgine disappeared.

After the incidents in 2009, police have filed charges for insulting. Because of the lewd background of the utterances, however, the criminal complaint had been forwarded to the department responsible for sexual offenses, said police and prosecutors in Berlin.

Just over a week ago, the police arrested a 43-year-old Georgine in the case of Georgine - twelve years after the disappearance of the Berlin student. He is accused of luring the then 14-year-old on 25 September 2006 for sexual motives in his basement in Berlin-Moabit and killed her there. On that day, the girl had been last seen around 13:50 when she got off a bus in Berlin-Moabit. Mortal remains of the girl have not been found so far, according to police. The investigation, in particular to the whereabouts of the body continues.

Police clearly did not establish link between the cases

After the criminal charges in 2009, police questioned the accused. At that time he had given contact to the two girls, but denied the allegations, it was now in the joint statement of the authorities.

He was also addressed to Georgine and said that he was only known that a girl was gone. The LKA had come to the conclusion that the facts were not criminally relevant. Also, the homicide mission had found no beginnings for promising investigations in connection with Georgine.

The question remains unanswered as to why the police did not become more active after the harassment of another woman in 2011 due to Georgine's alleged murderer, and that it created a connection.

According to the prosecutor, the Tiergarten district court had already condemned the accused in 2012 for sexual assault on a young person. He had lured a girl into the basement of his apartment for sexual reasons.