The former tennis star Boris Becker is said to have been caught trying to avoid a traffic jam - and therefore allowed to drive through a forest. This is reported by the SWR. Accordingly, a forester stopped the car on Wednesday morning in the municipal forest of Remchingen in Enzkreis.

Obviously Becker was in a hurry, but the A8 between Pforzheim and Karlsruhe was closed for hours on that day. Community forester Thomas König told the SWR that he had stopped the car on a forest road. First he spoke to the chauffeur, then Becker had dropped out. The 51-year-old had then said that he urgently needed to reach a train in Karlsruhe.

"He was polite, friendly, factual and correct, which did not throw me off work, but it was definitely a highlight," King told the broadcaster.

After Becker even cleared even branches lying on the way to the side, he continued to drive. According to SWR, the chauffeur now faces a complaint from the community.