In May 2020, Thomas Gottschalk will be 70 years old - and ZDF has already come up with something special for that. As the SPIEGEL unveiled in July, there will be a big TV show around the entertainer for Gottschalk's birthday, in the style of "Wetten, dass ..?".

Gottschalk has now commented on the plans. "Until then there is still some time, and it will turn out first what you then have to revive: me or the format," said the 68-year-old, who presented the ZDF Saturday night classic until 2011, in an interview with the news agency dpa ,

About his appearances on television Gottschalk says: "The spontaneous was always the real attraction for me," he said. "The more I had to prepare, the worse was I. Unfortunately, less and less television is really live, and what we sell as reality television has nothing to do with the reality of viewers."

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13 pictures

Thomas Gottschalk: His career in pictures

By the way, this coming Saturday, October 6th, ZDF will be showing "Gottschalk's big 68er show" - a recording. The showmaster revives the lifestyle of the "wild 68ers" and looks back musically at this time with his guests.