For days a German tourist was missing in Australia. Now the body of the 62-year-olds has been discovered.

The woman from Cologne had disappeared on New Year's Day in the Australian Outback, the deserted hinterland in the heart of the continent. The body was found under a tree near the town of Alice Springs, according to police, at a distance from a hiking trail.

"Unfortunately, we have to bring this sad news to the family, but we are relieved to have an answer for them," a police spokeswoman said. Only on Tuesday had the family from Germany asked the people in the Alice Spring region for help.

On Sunday, the authorities had hired the search for the Germans. Previously, according to police "large areas of land" has been searched. The forces also used helicopters and drones - but all without success.

On the morning of January 1, the woman left from a hotel for a hike alone. Since then, every sign of life was missing from her. It is feared that the Cologne has lost in the currently extremely hot area. In the outback the temperatures reach more than 45 degrees during the day.

It always happens in the Outback that tourists get lost because they overestimate their own strength and can not find their way back. During a heatwave in January 2018, a 32-year-old American died there. In February 2017, a German retired couple did not return from a hiking trip