An official of the Hessian police is said to have issued internal data to an avowed member of a neo-Nazi association. This reports the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Thus, a sixth police officer in Hesse is suspected to have connections in this milieu.

The Hesse State Criminal Police Office (LKA) had announced in December that is being investigated against five Frankfurt police officers. The now suspended officials are accused of having regularly exchanged right-wing extremist content on their mobile phones. It should be four men and one woman (read more here).

Now another policeman with suspected right-wing extremist connections has been targeted by investigators. According to "Süddeutsche Zeitung" this is an official from East Hesse. He is accused of having provided a friend of the violent neo-Nazi group "Aryan" with data. This became known in a lawsuit against two Hessian "Aryans" members who started in Halle in Saxony-Anhalt.

According to the SZ report, the "Aryan's" member Martina H. is said to have turned over her cell phone to the officials from East Hesse. Accordingly, she is said to have asked him twice to retrieve data from the internal police information system. The policeman apparently responded to the request - so the state of the investigation. What information is exactly what was not announced in the process in Halle.