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Dortmund Public Prosecutor's Office: Investigations against teacher

Photo: Caroline SeidSeidel-Dißmannel/dpa

The Dortmund public prosecutor's office has brought charges against a primary school teacher and headmistress from Hamm who is said to have withdrawn a total of almost 79,000 euros from two school accounts for more than three years.

The accused denies the crime, as a spokesman for the public prosecutor's office said.

The “Westfälische Anzeiger” had previously reported.

The primary school principal is said to have withdrawn money from two school accounts in 158 cases from the end of 2018 to the summer of 2022, the spokesman said.

The money was not used for school purposes, but for private purposes.

The 54-year-old teacher has now been suspended.

If convicted, she could potentially lose her civil service status, depending on the sentence.
