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Traffic jam on the A12 motorway in the direction of Poland (symbolic image)


Polish farmers want to block a highway near the border with Germany from Sunday.

The blockade will begin at 1 p.m. and extend from the Swiecko traffic junction (Landesstraße 29) to the German border, said a spokeswoman for the motorway operator.

In the German part, all lanes of Autobahn 12 in both directions are affected.

A spokesman for the Brandenburg East Police Department said of the expected traffic disruptions: "We assume that this will be the case for several days." A tense traffic situation is to be expected.

Road users have to be prepared for traffic jams and detours.

The A12 is a central transport axis that connects Berlin with Poland.

The police announced that they would close traffic on the busy motorway from the Frankfurt (Oder)-Mitte junction so that all road users have to leave.

This should avoid a kilometer-long traffic jam, especially for trucks, in front of the border.

Road users would be informed of this well before the closure.

Freight traffic should switch to other highways.

The protests by Polish farmers that have been going on for weeks are directed against EU agricultural policy, but also against the import of cheap agricultural products from Ukraine.

According to information from the Slubice24 portal, farmers from the region are planning to arrive with up to 700 tractors, harvesters and tractors.

According to information, up to 1,500 people want to take part in the blockade.
