Esther Mucientes Madrid


Updated Sunday, February 4, 2024-10:24

  • Grand finale Nebulossa wins the Benidorm Fest: two boomers and a Zorra to do battle at Eurovision

  • Opinion We like to fuck so much that we might not care about winning Eurovision


was singing

on the stage of the

Benidorm Fest

her "dream of you that you have given me" when the indiscreet camera of a mobile phone captured

Ruth Lorenzo

casting killer glances at the pit where the

Benidorm Fest

audience was located . The presenter and singer grabbed her strapless dress and pulled it up in a gesture of nervousness, but above all, of bad breath. She shook her head like a mother indignant at what her children had just done. What had happened to make

Ruth Lorenzo

get like this?

In a matter of minutes, the video of a very angry

Ruth Lorenzo

spread like wildfire on social networks. The comments came in all colors: from those that criticized

Ruth Lorenzo

's attitude

towards the public, to those that applauded her for assuming a fault that was in no way hers, to those that asked the management of


to take action. Measures on what and on whom? About


's performance



Benidorm Fest.

Nebulossa wins the Benidorm Fest: two boomers and a Zorra to fight in Eurovision

  • Editorial: SARA POLO Benidorm


Nebulossa wins the Benidorm Fest: two boomers and a Zorra to fight in Eurovision

It turns out that during the artist's performance there were several technical failures: apparently the smoke at the beginning or the flares at the end did not come out. This provoked not only the anger of


himself but also of the public that was at the

Palau d'Esports l'Illa in Benidorm,

since it must be added that all of them are fans of the

Benidorm Fest

, that


and its

Platinum Brillos

was one of the songs most applauded by the public and that there is nothing like a good controversy at the

Benidorm Fest

to add the spark that might be missing. The sparks that were missing from


's performance


It turns out that after Almácor

's performance



, aware that viewers had realized the errors, decided to have

Ruth Lorenzo


Marc Calderó

give brief explanations in an attempt to calm things down. The effect was completely the opposite.

"They inform me from the address that there has been

a small error, a small technical problem in the broadcast during

Almácor 's performance,"


began explaining

. "


, we apologize, let's hope it doesn't penalize you. We are all with you, you are a king," the presenter added, visibly worried more than about the performance itself about what


might be going through at that moment.

The presenter's words and the possibility that there would be a penalty caused the anger of the public attending the final gala of the

Benidorm Fest

. Boos, protests, cries of "let him repeat it!" They marred the grand final.

Ruth Lorenzo


Marc Calderó

asked for calm, letting the public express themselves, but the public went further and

Ruth Lorenzo's

nose swelled, to say the least.

"Right now, you are hearing it,

the public asking for a repeat...

We insist that there has been this technical problem on the screens," insisted presenter Marc Calderó. "The management is evaluating,

there is no penalty...

It was a screen problem, it was a super small thing,"

Ruth Lorenzo

announced then , believing that things would calm down. Far from it, her words inflamed the audience even more, and they booed loudly again.

And Ruth Lorenzo burst out: "Guys,

let's continue with the program

. These days, the artists told us that they felt very bad every time when you booed, because they didn't feel worthy of the vote they previously received. I'm going to ask you,

please , that tonight you respect the artists

. Please, I beg you. What a night, my God," the presenter pleaded.

And then the management decided to continue the gala as planned, with the performance of


, who, by the way, smells like she could be one of the candidates for the next

Benidorm Fest

. The fact is that while


was giving her all on stage, while the artists who had made it to the final danced like crazy in the Green Room, while

Marc Calderó

had the microphone put on properly and the shine was removed from his face, and while

Ana Prada


Inés Hernand



's "I dream of you" ,

Ruth Lorenzo


She looked at the audience again and again, told them something that cannot be heard in the videos posted on the networks, grabbed her dress and went like a daughter of Hell towards


who was enjoying the performance with

Miss Caffeína

. It is assumed that the artist went to ask him how he was feeling, based on the words he had just said to the audience about how the applicants did not like the boos at all, or perhaps, she went to tell


not to heat up the atmosphere any more, Well, the interpreter himself encouraged the public with protests.

At that moment, while

Marc Calderó

followed her behind,

Ruth Lorenzo

went to the point where they should be to continue presenting, making completely angry gestures. "I'll shit you, now!", she could read perfectly on her lips, while she looked at the audience. Still, when Camela finished and

Ruth Lorenzo


Marc Calderó

had to continue with the gala, the artist returned to her senses and let the

Benidorm Fest

take its course. Of course, nothing stopped

Ruth Lorenzo

from becoming one of those commented on social networks last night.