Young people who "fight" big ships for big countries

  In the middle of winter, on the west side of the frozen Bohai Bay, in a narrow strip of sea embedded in the land, the wind weakens, the sea water is warm, and it is not easy to freeze all year round. It is a rare good port for building large ships in northern China.

  Head all the way east and drive to Outfitting Pier 1 in Lingang Economic Zone, Binhai New Area, Tianjin. A black and red steel "Big Mac" stands on the shore. It is the Dalian Shipbuilding Tianjin Base of China Shipbuilding Industry (hereinafter referred to as "Big Ship Tianjin"). ”) is a large container ship being built for Mediterranean Shipping Company that can carry 16,000 TEUs.

  In March this year, this large ship will enter the sea from here, becoming the second large ship delivered by Tianjin this year. "This is our China speed!" Zhu Ping, born in 1984, is the party secretary and chairman of DSIC Tianjin. This young "head" has presided over the construction of various types of ultra-large ships and achieved many Chinese shipbuilding achievements. A "zero" breakthrough in the industry. Now, what makes him even more proud is that he is leading China's "youngest" shipyard to achieve an "acceleration" of increasing output value by 2 billion yuan per year.

  It has only been two years and three months since the official operation of Dacheng Tianjin, and it has become the largest civilian ship assembly and construction base in the north. Zhu Ping currently has 29 ship orders in hand, with an order value of nearly 30 billion yuan, and the shipbuilding plan has been scheduled to 2028.

  As the Spring Festival approaches, this large ship named "Mediterranean Leila" has entered the sprint period of construction and installation, and more than 800 workers are working on the ship. On the shore, in two large shipyards of 30 tons and 50 tons respectively, other types of ships are also being assembled. "More than 4,000 workers are working in the entire shipyard every day." Zhu Ping said that many people cannot go home during the New Year, "but everyone is very energetic, and young people are the main force."

  Zhang Jialong, a 34-year-old engineer, is the director of the outfitting workshop of the Tianjin General Assembly and Manufacturing Department of DSC. Every morning at around 7 o'clock, he enters the factory and gets busy. Traveling through various areas of the maze-like cabin on more than a dozen floors, he had to keep a close eye on each production node and construction details. He has to worry about everything from the installation and debugging of various key equipment to whether the screws are tightened.

  This behemoth, 75 meters high and with a deck area equivalent to about 2.5 football fields, was "built up bit by bit" by Zhang Jialong and his team. He told reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily that building a large ship is like assembling Lego blocks. According to the detailed design drawings, the steel plates are built into different modules in sections, and then assembled together to form a ship.

  It is not easy to "build" a 170,000-ton giant ship. Sun Xin, director of the Tianjin General Assembly and Manufacturing Department of the big ship, pointed to the paddle at the bottom of the cabin and said that one blade is 10.5 meters long. The ship's propeller must be connected to the main engine through a three-stage large shaft to push the giant ship forward. What these builders have to do is not only to be able to handle the "big man" of tens of meters of steel, but also to be able to do the delicate work of "embroidery".

  Zhu Ping said that there is a lot of knowledge in the blades. "The gap between the bearing and the bearing bush is measured in hair strands, and the deviation is in the millimeter or even micron level."

  The manufacturing of large propellers was once a key technology that determined whether our country could build large ships. The design curvature of the paddle should be able to produce the maximum thrust possible, ensuring strength while reducing weight. Zhu Ping said that if the owner needs it, it is now possible to basically realize the completely domestic construction of super large ships.

  Construction was going on in the small cabin, and the sound of welding and metal cutting was everywhere. Zhu Ping said that when working on a ship, you must be very alert. An accident may occur if you are not careful. The reporter noticed that every few steps he could see labels hanging on the equipment, with rows of red marks left on them from safety inspections, which were the equipment's safety record sheets.

  Bypassing various cabins, we came to the main engine room, which is the "heart" of the ship and where Zhang Jialong works recently. He and his team are responsible for installing the entire power system on the boat. The "heart" of the giant ship is a big thing and needs to be hoisted in five sections. During the day, Zhang Jialong was on the "Mediterranean Leila", using an external pump to clean the pipes of the main engine bit by bit, "to ensure that the main engine operates in good working conditions"; at night, they had to concentrate on an important project - double wiring. That is, before installing the host, in order to ensure that the location of the host installation is accurate, a baseline needs to be determined. This process requires extremely high precision and needs to be carried out on a quiet night. Zhang Jialong explained that due to sunlight during the day, there may be temperature differences at different locations on the hull. In addition, other types of construction may also produce vibrations, etc. These factors will affect the accuracy of the cable lighting. "The temperature and other environmental factors on the ship are relatively stable at night, and we can only start working after the sun goes down." In the cabin on a winter night, the temperature was below zero. Zhang Jialong estimated that it would be completed at 12 midnight at the earliest.

  For more than ten years, Zhang Jialong has personally participated in the construction of various types of ships. The ships are getting bigger and bigger, and the shipbuilding technology is becoming more and more advanced. Some processes that previously required a lot of manpower and material resources can now be replaced by mechanization and intelligence. Today, China has become the world's largest shipbuilding country, and a large number of young shipbuilders are supporting China's ambition to move from a major shipbuilding country to a powerful shipbuilding power in the world.

  "We want to attract the best talents and build the best ships." Zhu Ping said that the leadership team of this young shipyard is also very young. "Of the 500 cadres, there are about 200 people under the age of 35." Recruited last fall Young people have to be personally interviewed by Zhu Ping, and the qualities he values ​​most are responsibility and responsibility.

  "The shipbuilding industry is a technology-intensive, personnel-intensive, and capital-intensive heavy industry, and it is a real important weapon of a great country." Zhu Ping said that shipbuilding requires the ultimate pursuit of quality and a continuous spirit of innovation.

  "This year we will fully launch the second phase of construction, and in two years we will achieve the goal of an output value of 10 billion." Zhu Ping said, "We, a big country, must have big ships!"

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Hu Chunyan Source: China Youth Daily