Supplementary examinations for the University Admissions Common Test will begin on the 27th, and in addition to five venues including Tokyo and Kyoto, they will also be held at Kanazawa University in Ishikawa Prefecture as a special measure in response to the Noto Peninsula earthquake.

The supplementary exam for the common university entrance test will be held on the 27th and 28th for 1,629 people who were unable to take the main exam on the 13th and 14th of this month due to influenza or coronavirus infection.

This year, as the new coronavirus was moved to Category 5, the venues set up in 47 prefectures last year were scheduled to be reduced to two in Tokyo and Kyoto, but the number of people targeted was 3 locations have been added: Saitama, Chiba, and Osaka.

In addition, 19 students who were affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake and were unable to take the main exam are also eligible, and as a special measure, a make-up exam will be held at Kanazawa University in Ishikawa Prefecture.

In addition, re-examinations will be held, and of those who were targeted due to staff errors during the actual exam, nine people at four locations have now requested to take the exam.

The University Admissions Center urges students to arrive at the test site with plenty of time to spare, as transportation may be delayed due to snow or accidents.

In the event of delays or cancellations, the exam start time may be postponed, so we ask that you call the contact number provided on your ``make-up exam permit'' or ``reexamination confirmation letter''.