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Fashion designer Glööckler: “Nobody has to tremble”

Photo: Tristar Media / Getty Images

“Disastrous to Pompöös” is the title of the biography of fashion designer Harald Glööckler, which is due to be published this summer. Nobody has to be afraid of the book: »Nobody has to tremble with me. I don't show people off, that's not my style," the 58-year-old told the dpa news agency. His life is interesting enough: “I don’t have to throw dirt like so many others do. You’re just getting your hands dirty.”

But we can look forward to a “highly interesting book,” he said. »My last biography was published in 2010 – high time to follow up. A lot has happened in the meantime.«

The designer announced a “brilliant couture show at the highest level” in Berlin on February 2nd, shortly before the start of the local fashion week. "This year I'm celebrating my thirtieth anniversary after the first show in Stuttgart and I want to accomplish what I'm tackling at a high level," he said.

“We’ve gotten so used to mediocrity”

He also wants the same for everyday life in Germany, Glööckler continued. "We have become so used to mediocrity and have become so mediocre in many things that we are happy about even a modicum of success." Many have relied too much on politics and are used to the state taking care of everything. »People should look courageously into the future, roll up their sleeves and tackle it themselves.«

Glööckler was born in Maulbronn in Baden-Württemberg and lived for some time in the Palatinate. Last year he moved to Berlin.
