China News Service, Nanning, January 26th: Vietnamese students in Guangxi "squeezed" the Spring Festival travel rush to take China's newly opened high-speed rail to return home

  Author Wu Xinyun

  On January 26, the 2024 Spring Festival transportation started. Huang Thi Qing Ling, an international student in Guangxi from Wangmi City, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam, carrying large and small luggage bags, queued for security check, hurriedly entered Nanning East Railway Station, and got on the train The high-speed train returning home - train D8455 from Nanning East to Dongxing City Station. At 9:40, the train started.

The picture shows Huang Thi Qing Ling taking train D8455 from Nanning City, Guangxi to Dongxing City. Photo by Wu Xinyun

  Huang Shiqingling is an international student at Guangxi University for Nationalities. Before the Guangxi Fangchenggang-Dongxing Railway (referred to as Fangdong Railway) was opened, this junior international student had to change trains three times on the way before returning to his home in Wangmi City. She has been car sick since she was a child, and the exhaustion of traveling and driving made her physically and mentally exhausted.

  What makes Huang Thi Qing Ling happy is that the Fangdong Railway will be opened for operation on December 27, 2023. Dongxing City, Guangxi Province will be connected to the Chinese railway network. It only takes about 70 minutes for a train to reach Dongxing City from Nanning, the capital of Zhuang Township. Dongxing City is only separated from Mong Cai City in Vietnam by a river. The opening of the Fangdong Railway has become a convenient channel for Vietnamese students studying in Guangxi to return to Vietnam from Dongxing Port. Statistics provided by the Chinese railway department show that since the opening of the Fangdong Railway one month ago, more than 200 Vietnamese have taken high-speed trains to and from Nanning and Dongxing.

  Boarding the D8455 train, Huang Shi Qing Ling felt like returning home. Her family made a video call to her on the way, and she shared her feelings about the journey with them. Just as the conversation was getting underway, the train entered the tunnel and the phone line was disconnected. Along the way, Huang Thi Qing Ling kept taking videos with her mobile phone to record the scenery along the way.

  "This time when I take the direct train from Nanning East to Dongxing City Station, I don't need to take motion sickness pills in advance." Previously, when traveling between Nanning and Wangbi City, she always had to take motion sickness pills before getting on the train.

  "Vietnam is not 'crowded' during the Spring Festival like China. Our country does not have high-speed rail, and the population does not move as much during the Spring Festival as in China. Most Vietnamese people choose to take buses when they return home, and there is no pressure to buy tickets," said Huang Thi Qing Ling. , I used to hear that it is difficult for China to "crowd" the Spring Festival travel rush. This time I tried it specially and I feel that it is much more convenient to take a bus during the Spring Festival travel rush in China. Tickets are not difficult to buy either. The D8455 train she took still had tickets left until 23:00 on January 25.

  Information provided by China Railway Nanning Bureau Group Co., Ltd. shows that the bureau expects to send 330,000 passengers throughout the day on the 26th. Nanning East Railway Station is expected to send 75,000 people, an increase of about 20% compared with the single-day number from Monday to Thursday this week.

  When she went home this time, Huang Thi Qing Ling prepared some Chinese Spring Festival couplets, Chinese knots, and some Yunnan specialties. "I brought a box of Yunnan flower cakes to each of my relatives. We don't have this kind of specialty food there. I want my family to try it and feel the atmosphere of the Chinese Spring Festival." Huang Thi Qingling said.

  "Because I admire China's rich and colorful national culture and all-round delicious food, I decided to come to China to study." Huang Thi Qing Ling said. After several years of study, she can speak fluent Mandarin.

  "When I first came to China, I could only speak a few simple words with a strong Vietnamese accent. When communicating with people, most of them used gestures, nodding or shaking their heads to convey information." She said that when she first arrived, When she was in China, she couldn't get used to the food in Nanning and missed her family very much. The teachers at Guangxi University for Nationalities always took good care of her.

  During her several years of living and studying in China, Huang Thi Qing Ling also had a transnational romance. Her Chinese boyfriend was very considerate to her. "My mother usually takes care of me at home. I went to China to study alone without the care of my family. My boyfriend takes care of me just like my parents. If I have the chance, I want to stay in China after graduation. I want to work here. life." Huang Thi Qing Ling said.

  At 11:30 that day, Huang Thi Qing Ling arrived at Dongxing Port. "After the opening of Fangdong Railway, it only takes me more than an hour to get from school to Dongxing City, which is more than 2 hours faster than before. I used to go home once a year, but now I go home often," she said.

  Hoang Thi Khanh Ling said that Vietnam and China pointed out in the joint statement that they should promote Vietnam-China cross-border standard gauge railway connectivity and study and promote the construction of the Lao Cai-Hanoi-Haiphong standard gauge railway in Vietnam. "I hope this railway will be built soon. I really hope I can take the high-speed rail home." Huang Thi Qing Ling said. (over)