Updated Friday, January 26, 2024-00:08

The amnesty to the letter of the Catalan independence movement granted in exchange for the parliamentary support of its beneficiaries, drafted half with them and to their measure, against the judges who investigate them, constitutes the original sin of this legislature and, as such,

marks a point of no return in the moral degradation of the PSOE.

The unprecedented legal redefinition of terrorism is the most recent proof. According to the future Amnesty Law, there is a



that does not violate human rights: e

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To satisfy their partners, the socialists have crossed another "red line" that they had marked for themselves. The objective is to protect the impunity of the Junts and ERC leaders involved in the

Democratic Tsunami case

, Carles Puigdemont and Marta Rovira, whom the judge of the National Court

Manuel García-Castellón

pointed out as alleged perpetrators of terrorist acts. The issue is sensitive for the promoters of the law, since the EU jealously monitors that these types of crimes are not erased.

It is worth remembering what the magistrate is investigating: it is not the illegal referendum of 2017, but the

street incidents that overwhelmed the country in 2019

, when the Supreme Court handed down its sentence to those who had not escaped. Then the anonymous platform Tsunami emerged, which called for or spread protests that developed with high doses of violence. And they left victims. This is what happened in the assault on El Prat, where a French passenger died of a heart attack. But, according to an order issued yesterday

, the judge believes that Tsunami was also behind the wild confrontation between protesters and police in Plaza Urquinaona in Barcelona.

Several officers were injured; one, disabled. Hence, the judge considers that these events were attacks on the right to life and physical integrity, and that, therefore, they do fall within the definition of terrorism in both the Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights.

In a country that has suffered the murder of more than 800 citizens at the hands of a terrorist group with an equally secessionist orientation,

The frivolity of the Government in the legal handling of this crime is frightening.

The president appears blinded by the desire to retain power, even if this means breaking the guiding principles of the rule of law and burying respect for internal discrepancy. AND

Miliano García-Page has been correct in his diagnosis: the PSOE is "on the outskirts of the Constitution."

His public criticism has unleashed hostilities in Ferraz, as the Castilian-La Mancha baron breaks Moncloa's defensive argument, according to which the anti-system party is the PP.

Today in our country there is no

act of political corruption

more ostentatious nor more dangerous for the stability of democratic institutions than this amnesty contrary to equality, concord and minimal moral consistency.


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