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Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / picture alliance/dpa

Police found a man's head and other body parts in an apartment in the New York borough of Brooklyn. The body parts were said to have been stored in black plastic bags in the refrigerator and freezer.

According to police, a tip had previously been received about a body on the fourth floor of the house in the Flatbush district.

The victim has now been identified through his fingerprints, it said. According to media reports, it is said to be a 39-year-old convicted sex offender.

The New York Post tabloid quotes a resident who said that "everyone in the house" knew about the body. “He went in and never came out. We’ve all talked about it.”

Killed in a drug dispute?

The police did not release any information about the background. However, the 45-year-old woman living in the apartment was charged with hiding a corpse. Heather S. has already been taken into custody and is in the city jail, it said.

S. is said to have stated that her husband killed the 39-year-old in a dispute over drugs last September and stored the body parts in the refrigerator. She herself was not present during the crime. The husband is therefore in prison in the US state of Virginia for fraud.

S. was wanted by the police for petty theft. She will now be examined by a forensic psychiatrist.
