The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has ordered Yamato Transport, a major delivery company, and a subsidiary of Oji Holdings, a major paper manufacturer, to take immediate corrective action on suspicion of continuing to make unreasonable demands that could lead to legal violations from their transportation business partners. For the first time, we have made a recommendation calling for

Ahead of stricter regulations on overtime work for truck drivers starting in April this year, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism launched the "Truck G-Men," and for two months until December last year, they worked with shippers, main contractors, etc. We conducted intensive monitoring. The results were made public on the 26th, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism found that Yamato Transport, a major delivery company, and

major paper manufacturer

Yamato Transport were suspected of continuing to make unreasonable demands that could lead to legal violations from

their transportation business partners.

For the first time, we have made a recommendation to Oji Materia, a subsidiary of Oji Holdings, requesting immediate correction.

▽Yamato Transport requested work that was not included in the contract, such as sorting packages, and operations with overloads, and

▽Oji Materia forced trucks to wait for their turn to load and unload packages for long periods of time. I think it is.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has made ``requests'' and ``approaches'' to 211 companies asking them to make improvements, citing other acts that could lead to legal violations.

Regarding the recommendation, Yamato Transport commented, ``We take the recommendation seriously, and will steadily implement measures to prevent recurrence and strive to restore trust.'' Oji Holdings also said, ``We take the recommendation seriously and will take steps to prevent recurrence.'' We would like to once again strengthen our efforts towards this goal."