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Pleasantly warm temperatures on the beaches of Spain. No unusual images. But they don't come from last summer, but from Thursday.

In mid-January, temperatures in the Mediterranean region around Valencia reached up to 30 degrees. Even in more northern parts of the country it was 20 degrees Celsius this week - in some places the temperature is a full 10 degrees above normal for this time of year.

This concerns many residents.

Maria Navarro, resident:

"It's nice that it's not cold, but it's not normal."

Teresa Yates, resident:

»Here in Valencia the temperature should be around 12 degrees, about half of what it is now. That’s not good for people, the environment, or the fish – for anyone!”

The unusually warm weather was triggered by a high over the Mediterranean, the effects of which were also felt in southern France.

In recent years, heat waves, droughts and forest fires have become more frequent, especially in the Mediterranean region, due to climate change. 2023 is considered the second warmest year on record in Spain.