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A Palestinian social media influencer succeeded in dragging an Israeli soldier into fabricating incredible numbers about Israel’s deaths in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7th.

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A Palestinian social media influencer succeeded in dragging an Israeli soldier into fabricating incredible numbers about Israel’s deaths in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7th.

Without paying attention to the Palestinian keffiyeh on the chair of the influential Hamza Sadah, the Israeli soldier argued with the young man, and presented imaginary numbers about the number of Israelis whom she claimed the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) had killed during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

Hamza told the female soldier in the Israeli army: I heard on the news that they beheaded 20,000 children and bombed 20 hospitals in Israel. She replied to him, saying: Yes, I think they bombed 22 hospitals and beheaded 50 million children.

When the YouTuber was surprised by her answer, he asked her: 50 million children whose heads were cut off? Have you seen pictures of these children?

The Israeli soldier, confident in herself, replied: “Yes, 50 million Israeli children were beheaded,” and added: “Yes, we have all the pictures, video clips, and everything.”

According to this soldier, Hamas killed 4 times the number of Jews in the world.

Israel promoted allegations of beheading Israeli children and burning their bodies in the Hamas attack on the Gaza Strip settlements on October 7th.

However, an Israeli investigation published earlier by the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz; It was revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promoted these lies in his meetings with US President Joe Biden and his Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken.

The episode (1/26/2024) of the “Above Authority” program also addressed the following topics:

  • Netanyahu denies a statement attributed to Biden about the two-state solution.

  • European Coordinator: Israel funded Hamas to weaken the Authority.

  • Animal fodder instead of wheat, for bread to combat hunger.

  • The Defense Minister storms Netanyahu's office and threatens the Golani Brigade.

  • After South Africa, Chile, Mexico and Indonesia represent the Arabs.

  • 20 thousand children were born in Gaza since the beginning of the aggression.