China News Service, Beijing, January 26 (Reporter Ying Ni) The Beijing Dramatists Association New Literary and Art Organization Working Committee's new meeting and the "2024 Beijing New Drama Performance" press conference were held in Beijing on the 25th, and the "2024 Beijing New Drama Performance" was released on the spot. Year round plans.

Appointment letters for the second session of the New Literary and Art Organization Working Committee were issued on site. Photo courtesy of Beijing Dramatists Association New Literary Organization Working Committee

  "2024 Beijing New Drama Exhibition" is hosted by the Beijing Literary and Art Circles Federation and hosted by the Beijing Dramatists Association. It aims to provide a creation and display platform for new literary and artistic drama organizations, focus on guiding the healthy development of new literary and art organizations, and continue to support new literary and art organizations. comprehensive improvement of drama. With the theme of "Beijing's new dramas, never ending all year round", the event extends the performance span to the whole year and is divided into activity sections such as play performances, theme seminars, and annual lists of new dramas. The collection of play performances will be conducted in four quarters. At the end of the year, the 2024 new play annual list will be selected from the quarterly shortlisted plays. The rankings include best play, best screenwriter, best director, best performance, etc., to create a non-ending show throughout the year. A dramatic event. The collection work for the first quarter has been completed, and the shortlist selection and other related work will be carried out soon.

  The New Literary and Art Organizations Working Committee of the Beijing Dramatists Association was established in 2020 to strengthen the contact and cooperation between new literary and art organizations in the capital, integrate various social resources, organize and carry out various activities, and create learning and exchanges for the majority of new literary and art organizations in drama and service platform, with the purpose of promoting the development of new literary and artistic organizations in the capital's drama category. In the three years since its establishment, the New Literary and Art Organization Working Committee has played an important role in organizing, coordinating, and liaison services in the performances, member training, repertoire discussions and other activities hosted by the Beijing Drama Association. This election has absorbed the outstanding and representative new literary and art organizations that have emerged in recent years and injected new strength into it.

  At the meeting, Tang Xiaohui, Secretary-General of the Beijing Drama Association and Vice Chairman of the Beijing Drama Association, said that in the past three years, the Beijing Drama Association has focused on the development of the industry, continuously broadened the channels to connect and unite private theater groups and drama workers of new literary and artistic groups, explored service methods, and strengthened creative leadership. It has built more display platforms for new literary and art organizations in brand activities, theme creation, professional training, seminars and surveys, etc., which has aroused positive responses among drama workers of new literary and art organizations.

  The meeting approved the newly revised Charter of the Working Committee of the New Literary and Art Organization of the Beijing Dramatists Association. 24 representatives of the new literary and art organization were appointed as members of the second term of the New Literary and Art Organization Working Committee. Yang Qianwu was appointed as the chairman and Fu Ruoyan as the secretary-general. In the next five years, the New Literary and Art Organizations Working Committee of the Beijing Dramatists Association will serve as a bridge to unite more new drama organizations and freelance dramatists, build more exhibition and exchange platforms for new drama and art organizations, and jointly polish the "big theater viewing experience" "Beijing" cultural business card and contribute to the prosperity and development of the capital's drama industry. (over)