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Sara Polo Madrid


Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-21:34

On November 20,

Prime Video

launched what would be its most watched premiere since it landed in Spain in 2016. It had big names at the helm, a universe with its own place in the collective imagination and that irresistible mix of nostalgia and innovation, but it was not neither a series nor a movie;

not even a documentary.

What the Amazon platform brought back to our lives was

Operación Triunfo

and it did so completely live.



as always but like never

," they announced.

"It is part of the history of our country," assumes

María José Rodríguez

, head of Original Content for Prime Video in Spain by email.

«When the opportunity arose to become the home of such a special and beloved format, we did not hesitate.

"After a three-year hiatus and listening to fans' requests, we felt, together with the production company Gestmusic, that it was the right time to bring it back."

It was the first time in the world that a platform broadcast an entertainment program live.

And it turned out well.

Given the opacity of the Amazon platform and platforms in general, which never make their audience figures public, the audiovisual consultancy

Sigma Dos 30'

carried out, a month after the premiere, an analysis of the first four weekly galas that, although It provides data that is not comparable with that of a traditional television program, it does give an idea of ​​the result.

In total,

1.856 million viewers connected with the program at some point

, 47.6% of them live and another 20.8, combining live and delayed.

To know more

The new era in the streaming war.

Are platforms increasingly similar to traditional television?

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Are platforms increasingly similar to traditional television?

Operation Trump, the Big Brother of generation Z.

"What we live and what we see outside are parallel realities"

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"What we live and what we see outside are parallel realities"

«Prime Video is helping to consolidate itself as the platform with the most penetration, with a 75.8% market share in November and, in addition, to rejuvenate its audience, since around 70% of its viewers have less 45 years old and 36.7%, between 16 and 19," explains

Antonio Asencio

, director of communication and strategy at

Sigma Dos

, parent company of the consulting firm.

"What makes us happiest is that

OT 2023

has become an event, a moment of reunion for families and friends," Rodríguez congratulates himself from the platform.

«It has crossed generations, uniting the fans who enjoyed the first edition in 2001 and became


and the young people who have discovered, more than two decades later, a format that is committed to showing the world the talent that exists among the youth of our country".


And if the Amazon platform looks to traditional television to innovate, traditional channels are committed to completing their schedules with on-demand online content, both free and paid.

The pioneer group was Atresmedia, which launched its Atresplayer Premium service in 2019


"It represented a step forward in the exploitation of content in all possible windows: linear and on demand, open and under subscription, on traditional television and on the platform and, in addition, that content would later be sold for distribution outside of Spain." , lists

José Antonio Antón

, content director at



This ecosystem allows series and programs to be re-released in several of the exhibition windows without leaving the group, what Antón calls a

"virtuous circle"

and which allows performance to be optimized to the maximum.

"The boundaries of consumption between linear and platform have been blurred: linear television has platforms and platforms make live shows and classic programs," analyzes Asencio, and points to a classic programming strategy of traditional television that streaming is beginning. to implement:

"Resort to

prime time

, something evident with

Operación Triunfo

, and also the weekly broadcast of new episodes of series, when they started with the idea of ​​posting all the content at once

. "

For him, the future is clear: "We will continue to see experiments of this type, this crossing of borders between the linear and the platforms will be constant."