Nagano Nipposha, a newspaper company in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture, suffered a cyber attack last month that rendered some of its terminals unusable, forcing it to reduce the number of pages.

It will be the middle of next month before it will return to its normal form.

Nagano Nippo, which is headquartered in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture and publishes approximately 58,000 morning newspapers, announced on the 19th of last month that it had been attacked by a ransomware virus.

According to Nagano Nippo, some of the devices used to create articles were no longer usable, so they have continued publishing the morning edition since the 21st of last month by reducing the number of pages and canceling publication of some projects. .

After consulting with the police and experts and confirming the extent of the damage, the company announced in its morning edition on the 25th that it is expected to resume normal coverage in the middle of next month.

Nagano Nippo Co., Ltd. stated that their investigation to date has not confirmed any leakage of data to outside parties, and commented, ``From now on, we will focus our efforts on preventing recurrence by strengthening system security.''