Recently, the TV series "Flowers", which became popular all over the Internet, made Hu Ge's "Mr. Bao's Rice" popular.

Ma Yili, who plays the role of Reiko, the proprietress of Night Tokyo, who made this dish in the drama, even said that she still often eats steamed rice for breakfast.

  Pao rice is a traditional delicacy in Shanghai.

Information shows that there are two types of Shanghai soaked rice. White soaked rice is overnight cold rice and boiled in water or simply soaked in boiling water and ready to eat.

Xianzhao rice is cold rice that has been cooked overnight and vegetables that have been cooked overnight. It is eaten with rice and water.

  With the popularity of "Bao Zong Pao Rice", the topic of "Is eating Pao Rice healthy?" has also attracted public attention.

Some people believe that soaked rice is as soft and easy to digest as rice porridge and can nourish the stomach.

But some people say that you shouldn't drink water while eating, as soaking rice with rice is harmful to the stomach.

  On January 17, reporters from West China Metropolis Daily and Cover News interviewed Professor Xiao Jiangwei, deputy director of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College, to answer questions and answers on the issue of "pao rice" that is of public concern.

During the interview, the reporter learned that there is a big difference between soaked rice and rice porridge. Easy to digest does not mean nourishing the stomach. Most people will not cause harm to the body if they eat soaked rice occasionally, but it is best to "eat food scientifically".

  Soaking rice in water does not mean that rice porridge is easy to digest and does not mean that it nourishes the stomach.

  "Rice soaked in water is not equal to rice porridge. Rice soaked in water has not yet reached the state of porridge. Rice is still rice and water is still water. As the saying goes, 'rice soaked in soup cannot be chewed'." Xiao Jiangwei said that when eating rice soaked in water, the characteristics of the blend of water and rice will be Accelerate the body's swallowing reflex and instinctively chew it a few times before swallowing.

Large particles of food that have not been fully chewed directly enter the digestive tract. For people with weak spleen and stomach, it is easy to put more burden on the spleen and stomach.

But rice porridge is different. Porridge basically does not require the stomach to do much grinding work. It can be directly turned into chyme. Amylase can fully act on it, so it can be well digested and absorbed without chewing.

  Xiao Jiangwei mentioned that easy digestion does not mean nourishing the stomach.

Because the stomach is a "use it or lose it" organ. When the stomach is in a special period of discomfort, eating soft, easy-to-digest food, such as porridge, noodles, etc. is indeed a "rigorous need", but if the special period has passed, it will Comprehensive nutrition should be gradually supplemented to enhance the defense ability of the gastric mucosa and the body's immunity.

  "Our stomach will dynamically adjust the function of the gastrointestinal tract according to the amount of food eaten and the degree of digestion of the food. If you eat too soft and rotten food for a long time, the digestive function of the stomach may gradually weaken. On the contrary, if you often eat hard or rotten food, Food with high fiber content may exercise and improve the digestive function of the stomach." Xiao Jiangwei said.

  At the same time, he reminded that "rice soaked in boiling water" has relatively simple nutritional content. Occasionally tasting it in daily life can be used as a taste adjustment. It is also often a transition for patients with digestive system diseases during the dietary recovery period, but it is not recommended for long-term consumption.

Only by ensuring a variety of food intake and avoiding bad eating habits and lifestyles can we truly "nourished the stomach."

  The glycemic index of soaked rice is higher than that of rice. Long-term consumption may lead to many diseases.

  There have been reports that some people developed diabetes due to long-term eating of soaked rice.

Why does eating pao rice cause diabetes?

Xiao Jiangwei said that the glycemic index of soaked rice is lower than that of white porridge, but higher than that of rice.

Because it is easy to digest and absorb, it can easily increase postprandial blood sugar.

If it is rice soaked in broth, it will contain a lot of purine; if it is rice soaked in vegetable soup, it will contain a lot of salt, soy sauce, fat, sugar, etc.

If you use broth or vegetable soup to make rice, it is easy to take all these ingredients into the body, the calories will exceed the standard, and it is easy to increase blood lipids and blood sugar, which is not good for health.

  In addition, long-term consumption of soaked rice may also lead to diseases such as reduced chewing function, degeneration of gastric function, and other health risks.

  It is best to eat pao rice for dinner at most three times a week.

  Xiao Jiangwei said that children, the elderly, people with high blood pressure, patients with basic heart and brain diseases, patients with basic kidney diseases, etc. are not suitable for eating soaked rice, as it will cause digestive function to decrease and affect physical health.

For the rest of the population, eating soaked rice occasionally will not cause harm to the body.

  However, it is not advisable to eat soaked rice more than three times a week.

Among the three meals a day, rice soaked in water is not suitable for breakfast and lunch. After nutritional supplementation during the day, a bowl of rice soaked in light vegetable soup in the evening will not only relieve fatigue, but also not cause excess energy.

  In addition, Xiao Jiangwei also said that boiling rice with water originated from the living habits of Shanghai people in the past. At that time, most people's homes did not have gas, and it was troublesome to light a briquette stove for cooking early in the morning.

Therefore, it seems very convenient to boil the overnight meal in boiling water and take a few bites.

To eat soaked rice like Mr. Bao does, you need six side dishes (fermented bean curd, various pickles), which is very particular, but it can be summed up in one word: salty, with very limited nutritional value.

Therefore, for the sake of good health, it is recommended that everyone should have a balanced diet and consume appropriate amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to ensure a diverse food intake.

  Although "Baozong Soup Rice" is soft and delicious, if you eat it alone for a long time or consume too much soup, it may have adverse effects on the stomach and may also lead to malnutrition.

To maintain good health, you should eat as balanced a diet as possible.

At the same time, avoid bad eating habits and lifestyle. If symptoms of stomach discomfort occur, seek medical treatment promptly and follow the doctor's recommendations for treatment and conditioning.

  West China Metropolis Daily - cover news reporter Tan Yuqing Ningzhi