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British actor Tom Hollander

Photo: Angela Weiss / AFP

Even famous people can be confused.

In particular.

if they have similar names, have the same nationality, practice the same profession and are represented by the same agency.

The same agency had announced a bonus payment worth millions to the British actor Tom Hollander - but the money was not for him, but for his fellow actor Tom Holland, who is almost 30 years his junior.

The 56-year-old reported this during an appearance on the US show “Late Night with Seth Meyers”.

In an email, the agency announced an “amazing” bonus payment for “The Avengers.”

"I don't think I'll be in 'The Avengers,'" he thought while reading the email, Hollander told moderator Seth Meyers.

It was “an astonishing amount of money.”

»And it wasn't his fee, it was his first box office bonus.

Not the entire box office bonus, but the first,” revealed Hollander.

In major Hollywood films, the actors not only receive a salary, but also bonus payments linked to the box office results.

Hollander reported that he received more money as a bonus than he had ever seen.

"It was a seven-figure sum."

Other mix-ups with the younger Briton were less pleasant, said Hollander.

"I'm sometimes introduced to someone's very, very excited, then confused, then disappointed children," the actor reported.

He finds such situations “very difficult.”

“Because, you know, I got there first,” he joked.

Hollander starred in, among other things, "Pride and Prejudice", in two "Pirates of the Caribbean" films and most recently in the successful series "The White Lotus".

On US television, Hollander was now promoting the second season of the series “Feud” about legendary feuds.

In “Capote vs. The Swans” he plays the writer Truman Capote.

Holland became world famous as Spiderman in the films of the superhero film studio Marvel.
