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After turning 40, practicing some



is a must when it comes to maintaining healthy bones and preventing future bone

density problems;

the most common, osteopenia and osteoporosis.

How much physical exercise do we need to keep our bones healthy?

If we talk about a moderate intensity, and according to the new guidelines of the

World Health Organization

(WHO), at least 150 minutes a week, which translates into a minimum of two and a half hours, that is, three sessions of 50 minutes.

Every movement counts, they say, which is why they have had a global action plan in place for years with the goal of reducing physical inactivity by 15% by 2030.

It is a priority for



In addition to bone density, hormonal changes make introducing exercise into our lives decisive once we enter quarantine.

Our body changes as we age, no matter how much we maintain the same

healthy lifestyle habits,

it tends to accumulate fat in the least desired places and it costs much more to remove it.

"When women reach 40, important hormonal

changes occur

because the production of estrogen decreases. This affects the metabolism and makes it more difficult to lose weight," confirms

Carmen Díaz,

director of Germaine de Capuccini Goya, a health center in Madrid. aesthetics and nutrition that prepares custom diets based on body composition analysis by


, a technique that allows measuring the percentage between fat mass and lean mass (free of it) of each person.

Furthermore, if we do not exercise regularly


from that age onwards we also tend to lose muscle mass, which decisively influences both

caloric expenditure

and the exposure of our bones to the risk of fracture in the event of a fall.

The most effective exercises

So that age doesn't matter, there are some

fitness routines

that are more effective than others when it comes to burning fat and calories once we cross the border of 40. In this sense, there is an exercise that wins by a landslide:



"In all its variants, it is a very complete exercise, which allows you to tone the leg muscles globally and always involves the core and even the cardiovascular system," explains

Júlia Ndocky Ribas,

graduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. , personal and technical trainer for Metropolitan's Physical Activity Division.

"In addition, the leg muscles are large groups, with a great capacity to consume energy, if we train them they help us maintain a


and a slim figure without having to resort to restrictive diets," she adds.

Easy and effective exercises

No matter how easy the exercise is, what is not so easy is finding the motivation to practice it.

One of the leading coaches in our country,

Crys Dyaz,

who was once champion of the Spanish swimming team, with 13 absolute Spanish records in the 50-meter breaststroke event, gives the key: have fun.

Dyaz, personal trainer for most of the famous women in our country, points out partner training as a "very positive" way to put an end to the laziness that can come with putting on tights and launching into the world of


: "They are


and fun, but also demanding," he says.

Every day the number of couples who travel to their sports center to practice them increases, he says, "from fathers or mothers with their children to friends, family and married couples. On occasions, people who have met have even ended up


as a couple. on site".



are clear," insists Crys Dyaz.

"By practicing exercises as a couple you no longer only depend on yourself, and that adds a


to your session. Those who start, continue."

It is something that he has proven thanks to his years of experience.

Squats as a couple, at home and without material

To encourage this type of exercise,

Crys Dyaz

explains how to do this squat as a couple, at home and without the need for extra material.

The coach recommends doing three series.

  • Squat plus sit up.

    One leans against the wall, in an isometric squat position, with the back supported and the knees at 90º, while bringing the arms forward, at chest level, like a mummy.

    The other person lies on the floor, placing their feet next to the person standing, with their back supported and in a sit-up position.

    While one holds the squat, the person on the floor goes up doing this abdominal exercise until touching the partner's hands, and controlling the descents, for 30 seconds, at which point the roles change.

To maintain a correct


when doing a squat using simply your own body weight, without adding any additional resistance, you must follow these four tips:

  • Leave your


    straight, put your shoulders back and focus on a point in front of you.

  • Place your feet shoulder

    -width apart

    , pointing them 15 degrees outward.

  • Do not relax your


    , keep it firm and tight throughout the exercise.

  • You have to go down 90º.

    And she doesn't have to hurt her back, if she does, something is wrong.


Two easy and effective partner exercises

In addition to the squat,

Crys Dyaz

points out two other very effective exercises to work with as a couple.

They are perfect to start in this practice, she assures.

You also have to do three series of them.

  • Plank crashes.

    This dynamic plank adds a point of difficulty to the plank we all know.

    To execute it, both must be placed in a plank position on their hands, at a distance of one step between both heads.

    For 30/40 seconds, each person alternately bumps the opposite hand of their partner, thus removing support from their own plank.

  • Russian twists as a couple.

    Both sitting on the floor, back to back and with their legs bent.

    The ideal would be to have some weight, a dumbbell, a medicine ball... The exercise consists of passing the weight, without letting the backs touch each other, reaching as far as possible.

    You have to try to maintain the turns for 1 minute.

    To increase the difficulty of the exercise, it can be performed with your feet in the air.

  • Fitness