Iñako Díaz-Guerra

Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-12:32

  • Newspaper archive.

    All Chimpún interviews by Iñako Díaz-Guerra

  • Malu.

    "I've been under the spotlight so much these years that now I feel like I'm walking naked on a desert island"

  • Tow.

    "The love of work is a virus. Getting up early is fucking shit and those of us who got up early know that"

Every time your cell phone vibrates it's a shock.

Miguel Herrán

(Fuengirola, 1996) knows that his partner could go into labor at any moment (his first daughter would be born a few hours after the interview), but not even that distracts him when it comes to talking.

He is 27 years old, but he expresses himself with the poise, clarity and concreteness of a guy several decades older.

Perhaps it is the consequence of everything he has experienced since, 11 years ago, Daniel Guzmán found an absolutely lost teenager on the street and turned him into a


winner for

In Change of Nothing


The actor's gratitude upon collecting the award still goes viral every so often: "You have managed to make a kid with no illusions, no desire to study, discover a new world and cling to this life as if there were no other. You have given me a life. , Daniel."

That life has turned him into a total star: the exorbitant fame for

Money Heist

, the prestige for

Modelo 77 and the ability to lead projects such as

Valley of Shadows


, the adventure film that he is now showing in theaters.

Are you staying calm or does parenthood scare you? I'm at a point in my life when my personal side takes precedence over my professional side, logically.

I am very excited for the movie to be released, but even more excited for my daughter to be born.

It will be a total and absolute change, life as I knew it until now will no longer be the same, but I am very calm.

I assume it, I accept it, I feel like it and I have no problem.

I don't mind sacrificing a lot of my free time to carry out a family project. You found out that you were going to be a father during filming in the Himalayas. Yes, we were at 5,000 meters above sea level, in the middle of nowhere.

Celia [Pedraza, her partner] was there with me, so we spent a few days with emotion running high.

Also with some concern, because it was not the ideal place, but everything went well.

It was intense. Intense experiences go with you.

You're a speed nut and you climb a bit. Yes, I live in the mountains, next to Mount Abantos, in El Escorial, but the climbing I do is in a climbing wall.

I don't like rock climbing, it seems like too much risk to me.

Where I get the most adrenaline is from motorcycles and cars and I use the mountains a lot because now I have become fond of off-roading.

I can go very fast with a buggy. Fatherhood is going to mean that, even if you want to go at 200, your foot will only stop you when you reach 100. So far it hasn't happened to me, but if it happens, I welcome it.

If it really comes from me and is something intrinsic that I do because I want to, I won't complain.

Even so, I have to see it, for now I feel the same. Do you have the feeling of having lived 10 lives since that chance meeting with Guzmán? In fact, I have the feeling of having lived a few more, because until my life changed because of that I didn't have an easy and normal life either.

My childhood and adolescence were already different from most, with many complicated things.

I often remember that Goya speech.

I don't wake up and go "damn, man, I won a Goya, wow", but there are many moments in which I wonder what my life would be like today if all that hadn't happened.

What would I have done?

Where would I be now?

Not so much professionally, but what it would be like on a human level, what kind of person I would have become.

I do ask myself that a lot. And what answer do you give yourself? Buff, none good.

I remember that in my first interview they asked me: "18 years and a Goya, where do you see yourself at 30?"

And I said, "If I'm honest, I never thought I'd make it to 30."

Today I imagine myself being 40. Hell, I imagine myself even having grandchildren.

It is something that seemed impossible to me before and, today, everything I do is more with a view to ending up having a family and a home than having a masterful career. Your mother raised you alone and you had difficulties.

Do you feel an extra responsibility as a father for what you have experienced? It is not an extra responsibility,

It is simply what I want to do and what I want to be.

It is true that I have lacked and lack a father figure, she has not been there nor is she nor will she be there, but I do not believe that I have the obligation to give my daughter that father figure.

What happens is that I have generated in me the responsibility of wanting to do it: I do want to be there for my daughter, I do want to be an active father, I do want my daughter to come home and come running to tell me everything that she has happened, I do want to be a reference and a safe figure for her.

I do want it and by wanting it I put that responsibility on myself.

It's nothing external, it's my decision. How did you manage that sudden change from a problematic kid to an award-winning actor? For me it was very simple.

Well, the process is very complicated, but I had things very clear.

They had given me a chance to have a life worth living.

At first, I screwed up a lot and almost lost it.

I didn't study the texts, I didn't appear in the tests... But I managed to recover it, make the movie and before winning the Goya I was already very clear that I was going to try to lead my life on that side.

In exchange for nothing, it took a couple of years to premiere, I started studying theater at William Layton, then the Goya thing happened and, even so, I continued studying at the Central de Cine.

I made a radical decision.

Because I didn't like the life I had before and I wasn't comfortable with what I had built about myself, I abandoned everything.

I left my partner at the time, I left my friends, I changed my phone number and I moved.

I disappeared.

I went to live in the mountains for two years with my dog ​​and I only dedicated myself to studying. Did you feel obligated to prove that you deserved what was happening to you? Exactly.

I suffered impostor syndrome because I never thought I deserved that Goya.

I believed that it was not my merit, that it was Dani [Guzmán's] work, I let myself be guided and he was the one who made that interpretation emerge.

So, seeing that I wanted to pursue being an actor and that I wasn't always going to have Dani by my side, I realized that I had to take tools to be able to feel comfortable doing this job without him.

So I started studying like crazy.

I have two careers: three years of theater and three years of film. You made up for lost time. Yes, yes.

Come on, I have more education than many people who have been acting for 30 years.

I was very clear that if I wanted this to last over time I had to work hard, because talent is something that, if you don't work on it, is there but you don't know what to do with it.

I could have had a lot of talent when it came to having some truth, a look and these things that are said, but I didn't know how to use it.

I needed tools to control and exploit it.

Only when I acquired them did I feel comfortable in this actor's skin. And then along comes Río, your character in 'La casa de papel'.

And with it, the madness: the 12 million followers on social networks, the giant posters with your face, real fame.Yes,

but I had nothing to manage or, seen another way, I still manage it today.

Fame is an everyday thing that I barely think about.

It's there and that's it.

I live in an urbanization of 60 people in the middle of the mountains and I don't usually come across people.

Since I am not a very active person on social networks, I just lead my normal life.

Unless I go down to Madrid, no one reminds me that I am famous.

The rest never looks good once in the photo, Herrán looks good twice.Sergio Enríquez-Nistal

And when you go down to Madrid? There already... Really crazy things have happened to me and happen to me.

People who jump into your moving car, others who discovered where I lived and were waiting for me at the door of the house... But I have always handled it in a very calm way.

I continue with my life, if they ask me for a photo, if I consider that you have asked me well and you have not disrespected me or invaded me, I have no problem.

I do it and it's done.

I put everything into perspective a lot.

Fame is a first world problem.

I know what it's like to not have enough to eat, I know what it's like to live on the streets and that's a problem, that's fucking shit and that's difficult to manage.


Anyone who finds it difficult to be famous has a serious problem perceiving reality.

What we have is a privileged situation. You don't forget. Never.

You have to be very aware of what you are complaining about.

What are you complaining about?

What do they take photos of you?

Well, my son, look at the hours you work, the money you earn, the life you have and how socially accepted you are.

Look, now I'm going to 'Leña', by Dani García, and I'm going to eat even if I don't have a reservation, because as soon as the maitre'd sees me and recognizes me, he's going to tell the head waiter and they're going to give me a table because They are the first ones interested in it being there.

This thing about fame consists of being very clear about the exchanges of interests that come your way in life. It's a truth like a temple, but almost no one recognizes it. Ya, man, but that's how it is.

With girls, the same: "Now you flirt more, haven't you realized that it's out of interest, because you're known?"

Of course I realize it, but why do I like that girl that I don't know at all?

Just because?

Out of altruism?

No, I have a physical, psychological or sexual interest in that person and that person also has an interest in me which, in effect, may be spending a while with the person from 'La casa de papel' or uploading a photo with me or give a like.

It is an exchange of interests.

No more no less.

So, as long as you understand this and don't believe the movie in which you are a wonderful person that everyone adores, everything is fine. The character of Rio, apart from fame, brought another bag: becoming the ideal of the Current guy, handsome and sensitive. No, I'm not.

I think that in Spain that profile is Arón Piper. But he has a more scoundrel vibe.

You seem like a good guy to begin with. But that in the society that surrounds us is not attractive, I'm not the super attractive hunk that you want to get laid.

People see me as a good-natured or super nice and humble figure who speaks from the truth.

I'm tired of saying it: that's a lie [laughs].

I am a person with my darkness and my things.

For example, I don't consider myself a humble person at all.


I get on a motorcycle and the first thing I lack is humility, I'm going to tell you that I'm the fucking shit, that I can handle it like hell and that I run faster than you.

People get confused and build images based on what we want to sell.

That I wanted to sell a neutral image of a good boy who doesn't get into altercations and such?

Yes. Aren't you, then? No.

The reality is that I'm probably three times as scoundrel as Arón Piper, but I'm looking for my niche.

Why is my character loved?

For this.

So, what do I sell in public about myself?

What is closest to my character because it is what suits me.

I guess I'm very cerebral.

I'm never going to sell my personal life, but for people to believe that they do, that they know you, is part of the show and my professional strategy. Since when have you been so clear about all this? Puff, at first I didn't understand anything, it was a kid who had a lot of things happening to him and was trying to understand what was happening around him, but even then he was very clear about the issue of interests.

I've gone from being a very hated person in my close circles to being "wow, man, Miguel Herrán, it's great to be with you, what a cool guy."

But if a year ago you didn't even speak to me... probably rightly so.

It is also true that I have changed a lot personally. Were you that badass? I grew up not liking the way I was at all.


I was a person who considered myself evil and considered that this evil had no solution.

I was hopelessly bad and that tormented me because I was convinced that I was going to be bad all my life.

Furthermore, something that bothered me a lot was that, by being so bad, I caused a lot of harm to the people I loved and I didn't know how to show them that love.

I was in a cycle of brutal hatred towards myself and everything around me.

If there is one thing I am infinitely grateful to this profession, it is that it taught me that, just as I am capable of creating a character, I am capable of building a personality.

I began to study acting with the aim of learning to work with emotions and characters to build myself with the personality that I have always wanted to have.

Now I have it. And now?

What is the next step? I am very clear about what I want to do with my life and my career.

I want to dedicate myself to something completely different.

Set up any type of business that generates a source of passive income that does not have to be very high, simply to maintain the lifestyle I have without worrying about doing projects just for money to pay a mortgage and give my family a plate of food. daughter.

I love my profession and I love acting, but there are many times that I choose jobs that don't attract me much but are more stable or will pay me more financially over others that will give me more personally and as an actor.

My goal is to be able to choose my projects solely and exclusively by taste.

What do I sell in public about myself?

What is closest to my character because it is what suits me.

I guess I'm very cerebral.

I'm never going to sell my personal life, but for people to believe that they do, that they know you, is part of the show and my professional strategy. Since when have you been so clear about all this? Puff, at first I didn't understand anything, it was a kid who had a lot of things happening to him and was trying to understand what was happening around him, but even then he was very clear about the issue of interests.

I've gone from being a very hated person in my close circles to being "wow, man, Miguel Herrán, it's great to be with you, what a cool guy."

But if a year ago you didn't even speak to me... probably rightly so.

It is also true that I have changed a lot personally. Were you that badass? I grew up not liking the way I was at all.


I was a person who considered myself evil and considered that this evil had no solution.

I was hopelessly bad and that tormented me because I was convinced that I was going to be bad all my life.

Furthermore, something that bothered me a lot was that, by being so bad, I caused a lot of harm to the people I loved and I didn't know how to show them that love.

I was in a cycle of brutal hatred towards myself and everything around me.

If there is one thing I am infinitely grateful to this profession, it is that it taught me that, just as I am capable of creating a character, I am capable of building a personality.

I began to study acting with the aim of learning to work with emotions and characters to build myself with the personality that I have always wanted to have.

Now I have it. And now?

What is the next step? I am very clear about what I want to do with my life and my career.

I want to dedicate myself to something completely different.

Set up any type of business that generates a source of passive income that does not have to be very high, simply to maintain the lifestyle I have without worrying about doing projects just for money to pay a mortgage and give my family a plate of food. daughter.

I love my profession and I love acting, but there are many times that I choose jobs that don't attract me much but are more stable or will pay me more financially over others that will give me more personally and as an actor.

My goal is to be able to choose my projects solely and exclusively by taste.

What do I sell in public about myself?

What is closest to my character because it is what suits me.

I guess I'm very cerebral.

I'm never going to sell my personal life, but for people to believe that they do, that they know you, is part of the show and my professional strategy. Since when have you been so clear about all this? Puff, at first I didn't understand anything, it was a kid who had a lot of things happening to him and was trying to understand what was happening around him, but even then he was very clear about the issue of interests.

I've gone from being a very hated person in my close circles to being "wow, man, Miguel Herrán, it's great to be with you, what a cool guy."

But if a year ago you didn't even speak to me... probably rightly so.

It is also true that I have changed a lot personally. Were you that dodgy? I grew up not liking the way I was at all.


I was a person who considered myself evil and considered that this evil had no solution.

I was hopelessly bad and that tormented me because I was convinced that I was going to be bad all my life.

Furthermore, something that bothered me a lot was that, by being so bad, I caused a lot of harm to the people I loved and I didn't know how to show them that love.

I was in a cycle of brutal hatred towards myself and everything around me.

If there is one thing I am infinitely grateful to this profession, it is that it taught me that, just as I am capable of creating a character, I am capable of building a personality.

I began to study acting with the aim of learning to work with emotions and characters to build myself with the personality that I have always wanted to have.

Now I have it. And now?

What is the next step? I am very clear about what I want to do with my life and my career.

I want to dedicate myself to something completely different.

Set up any type of business that generates a source of passive income that does not have to be very high, simply to maintain the lifestyle I have without worrying about doing projects just for money to pay a mortgage and give my family a plate of food. daughter.

I love my profession and I love acting, but there are many times that I choose jobs that don't attract me much but are more stable or will pay me more financially over others that will give me more personally and as an actor.

My goal is to be able to choose my projects solely and exclusively by taste.

What a cool guy." But if a year ago you didn't even speak to me... probably rightly so. It's also true that I've changed a lot personally. Were you that badass? I grew up not liking the way I was at all. Nothing. I was a person who considered myself bad and I considered that this evil had no solution. I was bad without remedy and that tormented me because I was convinced that I was going to be bad all my life. Furthermore, something that bothered me a lot was that, being so bad, I caused a lot of harm to the people I loved and I didn't know how to show them that love. I was in a circle of brutal hatred towards myself and everything around me. If there is one thing I am infinitely grateful to this profession, it is that it taught me that, Just as I am capable of creating a character, I am capable of building a personality. I started studying acting with the goal of learning to work with emotions and characters to build myself with the personality that I have always wanted to have. Now I have it. And now? What is the next step? I am very clear about what I want to do with my life and my career.

I want to dedicate myself to something completely different.

Set up any type of business that generates a source of passive income that does not have to be very high, simply to maintain the lifestyle I have without worrying about doing projects just for money to pay a mortgage and give my family a plate of food. daughter.

I love my profession and I love acting, but there are many times that I choose jobs that don't attract me much but are more stable or will pay me more financially over others that will give me more personally and as an actor.

My goal is to be able to choose my projects solely and exclusively by taste.

What a cool guy." But if a year ago you didn't even speak to me... probably rightly so. It's also true that I've changed a lot personally. Were you that badass? I grew up not liking the way I was at all. Nothing. I was a person who considered myself bad and I considered that this evil had no solution. I was bad without remedy and that tormented me because I was convinced that I was going to be bad all my life. Furthermore, something that bothered me a lot was that, being so bad, I caused a lot of harm to the people I loved and I didn't know how to show them that love. I was in a circle of brutal hatred towards myself and everything around me. If there is one thing I am infinitely grateful to this profession, it is that it taught me that, Just as I am capable of creating a character, I am capable of building a personality. I started studying acting with the goal of learning to work with emotions and characters to build myself with the personality that I have always wanted to have. Now I have it. And now? What is the next step? I am very clear about what I want to do with my life and my career.

I want to dedicate myself to something completely different.

Set up any type of business that generates a source of passive income that does not have to be very high, simply to maintain the lifestyle I have without worrying about doing projects just for money to pay a mortgage and give my family a plate of food. daughter.

I love my profession and I love acting, but there are many times that I choose jobs that don't attract me much but are more stable or will pay me more financially over others that will give me more personally and as an actor.

My goal is to be able to choose my projects solely and exclusively by taste.

simply to maintain the lifestyle I have without worrying about doing projects just for money to pay a mortgage and give my daughter a plate of food.

I love my profession and I love acting, but there are many times that I choose jobs that don't attract me much but are more stable or will pay me more financially over others that will give me more personally and as an actor.

My goal is to be able to choose my projects solely and exclusively by taste.

simply to maintain the lifestyle I have without worrying about doing projects just for money to pay a mortgage and give my daughter a plate of food.

I love my profession and I love acting, but there are many times that I choose jobs that don't attract me much but are more stable or will pay me more financially over others that will give me more personally and as an actor.

My goal is to be able to choose my projects solely and exclusively by taste.