Saudi Arabia is considering authorizing the sale of alcohol to non-Muslim diplomats for the first time, two sources close to the matter who requested anonymity told AFP on Wednesday January 24.

The alcohol “will be sold to non-Muslim diplomats” who until now could only obtain it through the “diplomatic bag,” said one of the sources.

The consumption and possession of alcohol, prohibited by Islam, is strictly prohibited in Saudi Arabia.

They are liable to fines, prison sentences, public flogging and expulsion from the territory for foreigners.

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The social reforms carried out recently in the kingdom (such as diversity in concerts or the opening of cinemas), and the planned hosting of major events such as Expo 2030 or the Football World Cup in 2034, fuel the speculation about a possible lifting of alcohol restrictions, at least in specific areas, although authorities rule out any changes at this stage.

"Allocation of specific quantities of alcoholic products"

A Saudi government statement said Wednesday that authorities were introducing "a new regulatory framework... to combat the illicit trade in goods and alcoholic products received by diplomatic missions."

The new program will allow “the allocation of specific quantities of alcoholic products upon entry into the kingdom.”

It aims to put an end to an “unregulated” procedure which gave rise to an “uncontrolled exchange of these products in the kingdom”.

Although alcohol is strictly prohibited in Saudi Arabia, alcoholic drinks are served at foreign missions in Riyadh's diplomatic quarter, while some residents make their own wine.

Others turn to the black market, where the price of a bottle of whiskey can reach several hundred dollars on the eve of New Year's Eve.

With AFP

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