Solène Delinger 5:35 p.m., January 24, 2024

Tuesday January 23, our colleagues from "Parisien" revealed part of the investigation which followed the complaint of Alain Delon's children against Hiromi Rollin.

The 88-year-old actor was interviewed by investigators last summer and expressed his desire to die. 

The complaint by Alain Delon's children against Hiromi Rollin was recently dismissed because the investigations were unable to confirm the suspicions of abuse of weakness towards the actor.

But what was the content of this investigation?

“A major suicide risk”

Tuesday January 23,

Le Parisien

 revealed part of it, including in particular an exchange between Alain Delon and the gendarmes last July.

The actor, very weakened since his stroke in 2019, would have had great difficulty expressing himself during this discussion.

It was "difficult to understand him and" he dozed off on many occasions.

He was not able to get up from his chair alone," according to the report. During an examination, still as part of this investigation, Alain Delon clearly expressed his desire to leave. "I want to die, life is over,” he said. The doctor therefore concluded that there was “a state of physical and psychological exhaustion with a major suicidal risk.”


 Alain Delon's state of health assessed by a doctor: how does this procedure take place?

Words which echo the recent declarations of Alain-Fabien Delon.

“My father is in a lamentable state (...)”, he assured on January 10 on BFMTV.

"I put him to bed, I put him to bed every night, I take him out of bed, I put him in his wheelchair, I make him food, I sit with him and sometimes he insults me because let him go a bit like a steak."

Anouchka Delon persists and signs: her father is “not a vegetable”.

“I’m sorry to use this term but he watches TV, he reads the newspapers, he sees everything,” she once again assured Tuesday evening in


opposite Mouloud Achour.