
Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-11:39

  • Interview Jordi Évole opens season with C. Tangana: "Ayuso and Puigdemont have told me no but they will end up coming. They have to be prayed for"

  • MomenTVs C. Tangana plays it in Lo de Évole

Last Saturday

Jordi Évole

attended the TV3 program


to, among many other things, promote the new season of

Lo de Évole

which, precisely, premiered on Sunday on laSexta with C. Tangana.

During the interview,

Ricard Ustrell

, the program's presenter, put on the table the process of change that Catalan television is experiencing.

Jordi Évole

described this process as an "opening process" after "a closing process, of having an audience and not wanting more."

It is then that


replies, assuring him that "there are those who will tell you that this is because they are becoming Spanish" to which


does not hesitate to answer that there is nothing wrong with it:

"But the thing is, what problem is there in becoming Spanish? ? What country do we live in?"



the sixth.

Jordi Évole opens his season with C. Tangana: "Ayuso and Puigdemont have told me no but they will end up coming. They have to be prayed for"

  • Editorial: SARA POLO Madrid

Jordi Évole opens his season with C. Tangana: "Ayuso and Puigdemont have told me no but they will end up coming. They have to be prayed for"

It was precisely that phrase that caused what


himself has described as an authentic "lynching" by "a minority sector" of the independence movement.

His words have generated an

exorbitant reaction from part of the independence movement


A legion of pro-independence Twitter users have riddled him with adjectives such as

"botifler", "fascist" and "Spanish shit"


They have also attacked

Ricard Ustrell

and his program for giving space to someone who dares to talk about


like that .

"Every Catalan who wants projection in Spain has to be a botifler";

"Bad TÑ3 for letting this pig out in prime time";

"What rubbish we have to swallow on TV3 Spanishized by PSC and ERC," were some of the insults that the Catalan journalist has received.

Among them, the independence politician

Jordi Graupera

, who has urged the presenter and producer to invite him to his program, "with the same time that you have had on TV3 and in Catalan. What's the problem, you don't want to open up and you Do you want to close to a single audience?

However, the pro-independence sector was not only going to attack


for these words but they

have also accused him of "provoking"

for singing a song by Jarabe de Palo whose lyrics say: "Sorry Catalonia, I won't do it again."

Faced with countless criticisms and attacks,

Jordi Évole

has decided not to remain silent and respond through several publications on : "A minority sector of independence is manipulating some of my words in the


program on TV3, changing their meaning. We were talking with Ricardo Ustrell about the opening moment that TV3 experiences from my point of view. The entire cut is this."

The journalist did not stop there and continued stating that "this minority sector of the independence movement has used only the first 25 seconds of what I said, with the clear desire to manipulate my words

. From then on, lynching, amplified by digital publications



has declared


"The attitudes that seek not to analyze the substance of what is said - defense of a public television that penetrates as much as possible in a diverse society - but rather to distort, lynch or directly insult, are probably not what that moment would require.

If not "You can't even listen and talk, what's left is very scary

. This is the cut that this minority sector of the independence movement has gone viral. Judge for yourselves," he concluded.