Ancient books are an important carrier for preserving historical memory and continuing the Chinese cultural context.

In many people’s minds, the protection of ancient books is the work of relevant museums, libraries, publishing houses and other institutions.

In fact, private bibliophiles are also an important group that promotes the protection and inheritance of ancient books.

Many of the massive ancient books collected by the National Edition Library of China are donated by private collectors.

  Recently, our reporter followed Yuan Lizhang, a member of the China Democratic League and well-known bibliophile, into the Central Library of the National Edition Library in Changping, Beijing, and listened to him share his story of "treasure hunting" in the vast sea of ​​books.

When it comes to the protection and inheritance of ancient books, Yuan Lizhang believes that ancient books should not be allowed to become cultural relics lying quietly in library or display cabinets. The excellent traditional culture contained in ancient books should be fully explored and used today. The key is to find the predecessors. Explore the "strong connection" between experience and modern life, explore more diverse ways of reaching it, and let the "nutrition" in ancient books continue to nourish today's people.

On January 5, at the Central Main Library of the National Library of China in Changping, Beijing, Yuan Lizhang introduced the ancient books he donated to members of the Democratic League who visited the museum.

Photo provided by interviewee

Why donate the collection to the National Edition Library?

  In early January, some members of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the China Democratic League visited the Central Main Hall of the National Editions Museum of China. In an exhibition hall displaying precious editions of ancient books and rare books donated by all walks of life, the visitors were surprised to find that one of their fellow travelers ——The name and photo of Yuan Lizhang, a member of the alliance, appear on the display wall. In the display cabinet below is the Manchu version of the Holy Instructions of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (engraved version of Wuying Hall in Jiaqing, Qing Dynasty) that he donated to the National Version Museum.

  What is displayed this time is a two-page copy, and the real thing is a "tome" with a total of 300 volumes.

This "Royal Archives", which records the words and deeds of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, was compiled in the fourth year of Jiaqing (1799, the year of Qianlong's death). It lasted 8 years and was divided into 40 categories.

"It is equivalent to recording Qianlong's remarks on 40 aspects of governance in politics, economy, culture, diplomacy, military, etc. throughout his life, for reference by future emperors." Yuan Lizhang said, "This ancient book is very important for studying Qianlong's 60 years in power. That period of history has extremely important documentary value.”

  Yuan Lizhang purchased this ancient book in 2014. He knew that rare books are rare. "It is difficult for others to find such a complete Manchu text."

Then why donate the "treasure" you found so hard?

His reason is also very simple, "I don't understand Manchu, so I can't research, organize or transform its contents well. If I collect it, it will be a waste. The National Version Library is an important institution for collecting, researching and promoting traditional culture. There was no such thing before." The version of the 'Hadith' has been put into the collection. Since I have the complete set, I will donate it to the version library to facilitate experts to further study and make good use of this ancient book."

"It is relevant to modern people's lives."

  While donating the "Hadith" to the National Library Edition, in November 2023, at the initiative of Yuan Lizhang, Weng Lianxi, a researcher and bibliophile at the Palace Museum, served as the general consultant, and Yuan Lizhang and the bibliophile Liu Qing served as the chief editor. The editorial board of "Private Library of One Hundred Classics" was established.

Immediately, "Hero Posts" were distributed to bibliophiles, and 100 representative personal collections of existing ancient books in China were selected and included in the library for publication.

  "The first volume to be published by this library has been confirmed, and it is the "Illustrated Commentary on Emperors" compiled by Zhang Juzheng, a famous minister of the Ming Dynasty. This 'textbook' is rich in pictures and texts, and aims to educate Ming Shenzong Zhu Yijun (Emperor Wanli), who was only 10 years old at the time, on how to grow up As a promising young man, he then became an accomplished emperor." Yuan Lizhang introduced that "Emperor's Illustrations" consists of more than 40 short stories of emperors from past dynasties, and the first half is the positive deeds of "those whose good deeds are lawful." , the second half is a negative case of "He who can be punished by evil".

The reason why it was selected is that the editorial board believes that the book still has reference value today. “It not only teaches people how to be an emperor, but also tells the principles of life, such as how to establish a relationship with family, A sense of responsibility to society, and how to choose between gains and losses, etc.”

  "There are two main criteria for selecting books for this library. One is that the content is worthy of inheritance, and the other is that it can be activated and used. We hope that it is relevant to modern people's lives." Yuan Lizhang said, "There are many contents in ancient books that can be Nourish people today. Some are related to people, such as diet and health; some are related to things, such as home decoration and furnishings. The calligrapher Mi Fu worshiped stones. The ancients did not think that this was playing with things to lose one's spirit, but nourishing one's energy with things and finding a kind of spiritual sustenance by appreciating strange stones. . These lifestyles and aesthetic tastes inherited from traditional culture are our unique wealth in China and worthy of inheritance."

In November 2023, Yuan Lizhang (right) donated ancient books to the National Edition Library of China.

Photo provided by interviewee

"The auction rush" cost the senior brother "an extra million"

  Well-known folk bibliophile Wei Li, in his book "Lost Secretary, Gained Secretary", which tells about his book collection journey, devotes an entire chapter to introducing "junior brother" Yuan Lizhang - Wei and Yuan both worshiped ancient book collection and research expert Yang Chengkai ( 1941-2015), but for a long time the two only heard each other's names and never met.

  In this chapter article titled "Because of my junior brother, I paid nearly 1 million more," Wei Li recalled the past of the two "bidding and competing for books" at the auction house in 2009: "This Mr. Yuan never ignored his peers. Friendship. In recent years, I have often fought with me in the auction house, which made me very unhappy. I feel that this junior brother should not be punished today and should be taught a lesson. But I know that Brother Weng is soft-hearted (Weng Lianxi, Wei Li often asks him to In recent years, he has given up several important books to others. So I told Brother Weng that no matter who it was today, he could not give it away." As a result, this was the result. The next time Yuan Lizhang raised his cards again and again, Wei Li finally spent 1.34 million yuan to buy "Mr. Zuiyin's Precise Shortcuts to Yipu" which was valued at several hundred thousand yuan.

"...I paid nearly a million yuan more for nothing. You can imagine how much I hate this junior brother."

  When asked about this past incident, Yuan Lizhang said with emotion, "Collectors first rely on their eyesight. What does it mean to have good eyesight? It means buying good things at a relatively small price, so we generally don't disclose how much we spend on purchases. It has been included in ancient books. However, we are not like the outside world who think that we can still find treasures in rural markets from time to time. Nowadays, 80 to 90% of the really good things are at auctions. The auction halls are full of knowledgeable people. It is very possible that there is a chance of missing something..."

How to use new media to help ancient books "break the circle"?

  Yuan Lizhang is not only a "treasure hunter" in the book collecting world, but also a senior film and television person.

From the TV series "Three Kingdoms" (directed by Gao Xixi) and "The Legend of Zhen Huan" to actor Chen Jianbin's film directorial debut "A Spoon" to the suspense-themed online drama "Gate of Rebirth" starring Zhang Yi and Wang Junkai, there are many people behind it. He is involved in production or planning.

In addition, his film and television company is also the agent for well-known "actors" such as Bao Guoan, Chen Baoguo, Zhang Fengyi, Chen Jianbin, and Song Chunli.

  Yuan Lizhang is well aware of the communication power of film and television media, and he believes that the protection and inheritance of ancient books can draw lessons from this.

In October last year, he went to Kunshan, Jiangsu Province to participate in a series of activities organized by the Folk Ancient Books Collection Working Committee of the China Association for the Preservation of Ancient Books, and discussed new paths for "ancient book protection" with bibliophiles such as Wei Li and Weng Lianxi.

Yuan Lizhang suggested further exploring how to use new media forms to present ancient book culture from a video perspective, enhance the sense of scene and story, and help ancient books "break the circle".

  "I have worked in the media, filmed movies and TV series, and I also use social media. The excellent traditional culture in ancient books can be innovatively transformed through new media, 'reach' more young people, and be seen by everyone in a fresher form." Yuan Li Zhang said, "I hope more and more people will find ancient books interesting and useful and use them to enrich their spiritual home." (End) (Reported by "China News" reporter Cheng Xiaolu)