In November 2015, a total of 137 people died in several coordinated attacks carried out by the terrorist sect Islamic State.

90 of the victims were shot to death in the Bataclan concert venue in Paris.

Three years later, the famous street artist Banksy painted a tribute to the victims on the door of the Bataclan, a work called "The Sad Girl".

- People needed a symbol to be able to mourn, and it became a symbol for those who died, says Florence Jeux, former head of the Bataclan.

The Banksy painting disappeared

One night in 2019, the door disappeared, only to be found a year and a half later in an attic in Italy.

The theft outraged many people in France.

Now some of those involved tell us what really happened.

The thieves had taken the work to the intended buyer, Mehdi Meftah.

- I wasn't the least bit interested.

I said: "You have stolen the only Banksy in the world that is unsellable," he says in the documentary.

He nevertheless agreed to keep the door and finally managed to pass it on to an entrepreneur in Italy.

Through their phone traffic, French and Italian police eventually tracked down the door.

Eight people were convicted of involvement in the theft, including Mehdi Mefta who was convicted of embezzlement.

See "K Special: Banksy and the stolen Bataclan painting" on

SVT Play.