
Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-09:40

"There has barely been a day in my life when you were not by my side. Always my partner, always my best friend ready to face anything," was the message with which the sister of actor

David Gail

announced his death.


, who became famous for his roles in

General Hospital

, but especially for being

Brenda Walsh

's (

Shannen Doherty

) fiance in Feeling Living, has died at the

age of 58

for reasons that her family has not made public. .

See this post on Instagram


appeared on the popular '90s series for eight episodes playing

Stuart Carson ,


's fiancé


They were on the verge of getting married in fiction, although in a twist of the script the marriage did not take place.

The couple broke off their relationship and remained friends until the fourth season.

In fact,

Peter Ferriero

, in charge of the Podcast:

Beverly Hills 90210 Show

and producer of a possible return of Sensación de Vivir, has dedicated a few words to the actor after learning of his death announced by his sister last Friday: "He was a kind person. Someone who I wish I could talk to more. He was full of life and incredible stories. I feel so grateful to have met him.

I'm sorry for your loss, and the loss for everyone

. He was a gift to the public."



's greatest success , considered one of the most prolific actors of the 90s, was that of the famous doctor Joe Scanlon on

General Hospital


Port Charles

, in which he remained for 216 episodes.

In 2002 he shared the screen with Bradley Cooper and Colleen Porch

in the romantic comedy

Bending All the Rules


His last artistic work was as the voice of a character in the video game

Blacksad: Under the Skin

published for Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

The actor from the city of Tampa (Florida) knew from a very young age that his life would be linked to acting.

However, it was not until the 90s when his name gained a place among viewers.

He made his television debut in a 1990 episode of the series

Growing Pains

and then guest-starred on

Doogie Hoswer






She Wrote



, but it wasn't until his portrayal of

Stuart Carson

for eight episodes of

Beverly Hills


that he gave really the rise to fame.