Cristina Galafate

Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-06:11

  • Ismael Galancho Luis Suárez and Antonella Rocuzzo's dietitian: "Junk food is the easiest way to get dopamine"

  • Food Why breakfast is not the most important meal of the day and some ideas to improve it

  • Antonio Valenzuela How to activate your mitochondria with small changes for a longer life


is one of the

most popular



Above all, in sporting environments: many athletes take it.

Perhaps for this reason, it is surrounded by mythology, explains Ismael Galancho, nutritionist from Malaga and personal trainer of notorious athletes, such as soccer players Luis Suárez and Enzo Fernández.

He certifies that it is one of the supplements

most studied

by the scientific community.

"There is a lot to say, because of the multiple avenues through which it can act."

It is clear: "Without a doubt, it has proven to be effective for, among other objectives, promoting

muscle mass gains

. "

However, it should be noted that "it can only help us slightly in this regard."

We are not going to become

The Incredible Hulk

by taking creatine.

"But if our

diet, training and proper rest

are well planned, it can give us a little help."

Not only for that reason it is interesting.

"Many clinical studies observe its potential health benefits," says the dietician.


"It is a peptide made up of three amino acids: Arginine, Methionine and Glycine."

It is found naturally in our body, mainly

in the muscles


"95% of creatine is located in the muscles and brain. It is created naturally in the human body in the kidneys, pancreas and liver."


Herring is the food that contains the most creatine, but you would have to take a kilo a day to obtain the dose.Shutterstock

It is only present in animal foods, mainly meat (hence its name, from the Greek


) and fish.

And it is not relevant, exemplifies the nutritionist.

"We would need to eat

a kilo of herring in a day

, the food with the most creatine that exists, to have the necessary amount to obtain its famous ergogenic benefits."

That is why it is advisable to supplement.


powdered monohydrate

is the most classic form, the most studied, the most economical and the one that shows the most benefits," although new versions with modified pH have recently come out, where marketing comes into play.

Of course, the



is, according to the specialist, the best guarantee that it really is pure, of quality, and does not contain other additives.


The nutritionist and trainer from Malaga Ismael Galancho, specialized in sports performance.EM

"Creatine supplementation may help

ATP resynthesis"


To understand it, ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is our gasoline.

Hence it is recommended in


that require

rapid energy

production .

"Strength training, intervals with peaks of intensity such as football or basketball and power sports, such as athletes, jumping, CrossFit...".

That's why it makes less sense for marathoners and cyclists.

It allows us greater performance, translated into some more repetition, says a review of 22 studies.

In addition, it will stimulate cellular pathways that increase

protein synthesis


"This cellular process is key to increasing muscle mass."

It also helps replenish

glycogen levels

, our energy store.

The more muscle mass, the greater caloric expenditure, increasing our basal metabolism (calories consumed even at rest).

In recent years, studies have been published with evidence that creatine supplementation has potential therapeutic and


effects .

"It exerts a powerful antioxidant effect, especially at the brain level, which has shown improvements in memory, neurogenesis, cognition and helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Improvements are also observed in pathologies that cause chronic fatigue and metabolic disorders, such as type 2 diabetes."

In older people, it has been seen to be effective against sarcopenia, which contributes to the loss of autonomy, and in turn to the fight against osteoporosis, the loss of bone density, by developing muscles.


Galancho asserts that it has been used for decades with

results by accumulation

, starting after 10 days and, above all, when it has been used for three months.

"My recommendation is to take 0.1g/kg of weight per day but never exceed a maximum of eight grams per day."

This means that a person

weighing 60 kg would take six grams

a day and someone weighing 80 would take eight.

Regarding the time of consumption, taking it after training "could be more beneficial, without major differences being perceived."


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It is said that it

makes you gain weight or retains fluids


"It's false. It hydrates the muscle cell, something positive. It will never make us gain fat, only muscle, and the retention is at an intracellular level, not subcutaneous."


hoax is that it causes alopecia


"It arises from the misinterpretation of an old study that did not even measure hair loss in the subjects who took it."

Nor does it cause nervousness


"This myth arises from confusing creatine with caffeine."

But it is not even a pre-workout nor does it have this function.

Antonio Valenzuela

, physiotherapist, master in

Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology

and author of

Activate your mitochondria.

The secret to a longer life

(Alienta Editorial) denies that women should not take creatine, even if, due to their size, their muscles do not grow as much as theirs.

"As creatine consumption is related to large and voluminous muscles, it fits more into the normative model of

male beauty

, but the truth is that creatine is recommended for both men and women of all ages."

He points out that to have big, voluminous muscles "you have to do many

more things

than take creatine."

Starting with eating healthy and training.


Taking creatine helps to gain muscle mass as long as training, rest and diet are well planned.Shutterstock

Is it true what people think that creatine "dries out" and makes muscles appear more marked?

"Actually it would be a bit the opposite, since creatine favors the

hydration of the muscle

, which makes it gain a little volume, but nothing worrying from an aesthetic point of view. Something that many people fear is that creatine will make them bloated. and that is not the case at all," says Valenzuela.

Should we

drink more water

if we consume creatine?

"What is certain is that you have to hydrate well, regardless of whether you drink it or not."


Antonio Valenzuela, author of 'Activate your mitochondria', a book where he advises supplementing with creatine.EM

Since creatine is almost tasteless, Valenzuela believes that it is more convenient to take it

dissolved in water

than to have to swallow several tablets.

"You can mix it with another liquid, for example, in the post-workout shake with whey protein and dissolve it in water, milk or a vegetable drink," he advises.


Valenzuela concludes that creatine is one of the favorite supplements of health professionals, "along with

magnesium, omega 3 and vitamin D.


It does not work miracles, but the number of studies with significant population samples and that do not necessarily have manufacturers behind them make it an interesting complement to a healthy diet and exercise.

"There are literally thousands of documents published on creatine. Together with whey protein, we could define it as the

gold standard

of supplements," concludes the specialist.