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Bootz (Felix Klare, left) and Lannert (Richy Müller, M.): Escape is pointless

Photo: Benoît Linder / SWR

An uninvolved woman who happened to be involved in a robbery was so badly beaten that she died from her injuries.

A social worker lying on the ground trying to look after a teenager is beaten mercilessly.

The Stuttgart “crime scene” showed the escalating violence surrounding a Kazakh family.

Lannert (Richy Müller) and Bootz (Felix Klare) investigated the milieu - and in particular put pressure on a 13-year-old clan member (Louis Guillaume) who was actually trying to escape his criminal world.

But all attempts to escape and all coercive measures ultimately turned out to be unsuccessful.

In our review we wrote: »The depiction of the migrant community remains weak: the two older cousins, for example, behave like pit bulls, but the violence that they have over the 13-year-old due to family connections remains more of an assertion.

A closer look at the family constraints that determine criminal events would have been more interesting than the depiction of the excessive brute force.

The scenes that take place at the Kazakh grandmother's house are the best.

She has already seen one of her sons go to prison and one of her grandchildren die.

Now she has to watch her youngest grandchild perish under the pressure of Mischpoke and the police.”

We gave it 6 out of 10 points.

How did you like the gangster crime thriller?

Another “crime scene” is already being filmed.

It's about the murder of a lonely young woman who was looking for affection and closeness via online portals.

The working title is: “Survive at least until tomorrow.”

The book was written by Katrin Bühlig, who was already responsible for some of the most radical “Tatort” episodes about lust, violence and loneliness.
