China News Service, Yangzhou, January 20 (Reporter Cui Jiaming) On the 20th, the Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum opened in the North Moat cultural and tourism gathering area of ​​Yangzhou. The museum has a "five pavilions in one" layout, covering everything in one pavilion. The treasure of the city.

On January 20, the Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum was opened. With the layout of "five pavilions in one", the museum can house all the treasures of the city in one pavilion.

Photo by Cui Jiaming

  Yangzhou is the origin city of China's Grand Canal. The intersection of the Yangtze River and the canal has created Yangzhou's historical prosperity, leaving behind a splendid culture and rich heritage.

For more than 2,500 years since its founding, Yangzhou has been the main production area and distribution center for Chinese arts and crafts treasures. Intangible cultural heritage has become Yangzhou’s dazzling city card and cultural identity.

Currently, Yangzhou has 4 world-class intangible cultural heritage projects, 20 national-level intangible cultural heritage projects, 61 provincial-level intangible cultural heritage projects, and 231 municipal-level intangible cultural heritage projects.

The Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum uses modern exhibition methods to make Yangzhou’s intangible cultural heritage “able to hear, see, move and feel”.

Photo by Cui Jiaming

  Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum has five floors above ground and one underground floor, with a total construction area of ​​about 13,000 square meters.

The Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum brings together fine collections from the Yangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum, the China Jade Sculpture Museum, the Yangzhou Lacquerware Treasures Museum, and the China Paper-cut Museum. It is also the Guangling branch of the China Printing Museum. It can be described as "five museums in one". The collections showcase Yangzhou woodblock printing. , Yangzhou lacquerware, Yangzhou jade carvings, Yangzhou paper-cutting, Yangzhou guqin, and more than 10,000 pieces of exquisite items such as Tongcaohua, gold and silver carvings, Yangzhou eight carvings, etc., using modern exhibition methods, so that Yangzhou intangible cultural heritage can "listen, see, move, Can feel”.

The treasure of the China Jade Sculpture Museum in the Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum is the "Praying Mantis Cabbage". This Chinese cabbage is worth more than 100 million yuan, and its exquisite craftsmanship is shocking.

Photo by Cui Jiaming

  Entering the museum, you can see Yangzhou jade carvings, Yangzhou lacquerware, Tongcaohua, gold and silver carvings, Yangzhou eight carvings... These breathtaking intangible cultural heritage treasures are an important part of the beautiful Yangzhou and build the "city memory" of Yangzhou.

"These fine products are priceless treasures." A staff member at the scene told a reporter from China News Service that the jadeite "Mantis Cabbage" is the treasure of the Jiangsu Pavilion of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo and the treasure of the China Jade Sculpture Museum.

This work is made of high-quality jadeite that is purple and green in color, clear and bright, and has a beautiful and lifelike shape. The vegetable stems are tightly wrapped, the leaves are loose and exquisite, and the roots are thick and thin, and the texture seems to be naturally formed.

The praying mantis perches on the cabbage and looks amazingly alive.

Carved lacquer and inlaid jade "Famous Flowers in Bloom" floor screen.

Yangzhou lacquerware is an important genre in the Chinese lacquerware industry. Its gorgeous and elegant artistic style and ingenious production techniques represent the highest level of Chinese wooden lacquerware.

Photo by Cui Jiaming

  Travel through the splendid history left by Yangzhou's intangible cultural heritage, appreciate the dedication, refinement and excellence of "Yangzhou workers", and feel that the Yangzhou Grand Canal culture represented by intangible cultural heritage has been inherited for thousands of years, is open, inclusive and endless.

Carved lacquer inlaid with jade, flat-ground conch shells, bone and stone inlays, dotted conch carving lacquer, painted hook knives... The beauty of Yangzhou lacquerware can be understood just from the name of the craft, and the superb skills and historical accumulation behind it.

A Yangzhou craftsman at the scene said that Yangzhou lacquerware is an important genre in the Chinese lacquerware industry. Its gorgeous and elegant artistic style and ingenious production techniques represent the highest level of Chinese wooden lacquerware.

In particular, the innovative and inherited crafts of carved lacquer, inlaid jade and snails have established Yangzhou lacquerware's irreplaceable position in the Chinese arts and crafts world.

Yangzhou paper-cutting "Cut the Four Seasons".

Yangzhou paper-cutting uses a pair of small scissors to convey the posture and charm of flowers in the four seasons, and is unique among many schools.

Photo by Cui Jiaming

  Culture connects the past, present and future of a city. Yangzhou’s intangible cultural heritage is a vivid testimony of Yangzhou’s long culture and rich heritage. In the depths of time, generations of inheritors protect Yangzhou’s intangible cultural heritage with their wisdom and ingenuity.

"Yangzhou's intangible cultural heritage has been singing for thousands of years. It relies on the constant replenishment of fresh blood and the continuous replacement of the previous wave. An important responsibility of the intangible cultural heritage inheritors is to pass on good skills and lead good disciples." Chinese arts and crafts master, Yangzhou jade carving At the opening ceremony, inheritor Gao Yijin expressed on behalf of the inheritors of Yangzhou’s intangible cultural heritage: “As the inheritors and gatekeepers of intangible cultural heritage, we are bound to make Yangzhou’s intangible cultural heritage shine brighter in the new era!”

  The Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum also has master studios, research bases and cultural and creative product exhibition areas for various intangible cultural heritage projects. It is an important platform for the activation, protection, inheritance and utilization of Yangzhou intangible cultural heritage projects.

Li Jiye, chairman of Yangzhou Canal Cultural Investment Group, said at the opening ceremony, "We will learn from the operation model of Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum and explore career and industry, protection and inheritance, online and offline, display and experience, art and life. Integration, through activation, tourism, panoramic and digital display, fully tell the story of intangible cultural heritage and the story of Yangzhou in the new era, better transform cultural flow into economic increment, and promote the intangible cultural heritage museum to become the successor to Yangzhou After the China Grand Canal Museum, Yangzhou’s cultural and tourism integration is another business card.” (End)